Chapter 1

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Today is when we are gonna be doing the math exam!I've been studying for weeks!One of my friends,Eliza.said she didn't study.Poor Liz,She might fail!Hopefully she won't."Your lucky you started to study,I was busy on my Vacation!"Eliza said.She looked sad.But i am not letting that happen! "Well atleast you went on a vacation.I just stayed home"I said,My friend Chloe studied aswell.But she just read and didn't really study THAT well."Me,Chloe.I just practiced my voice lessons.Wanna hear?"Chloe said.Chloe always takes Voice lessons every month.And she's real good at it.I have a group of friends

My Group Of Friends

"I got ya Chlo,Same.I had Voice Lessons too!"Sapphire said.Basically in my friend group Sapphire and Chloe are the greatest singers,While Jasmine is the greatest dancer.Rose is pretty good at acting.So she's the best actor while me and Chrystal are really good at drawing so were the best artist.

The Pops were passing by us at our lunch table.Basically every school has the group that's Popular,

The Pops

"Look who's here!"Sparkle said as they turned around "Its those girls again"Andee said as she rolled her eyes "Lucky for you to say!"Jasmine said.Omg..Did Jasmine just stood up for us?!She never does that!Cause she is never allowed to get in a fight!Pretty Impressive! "Omg!What a rebel you are Jasmine!"Kyla said as she stood up and glared at her "Is it bad to defend my friends?What about you?Haven't you defended your friends before?Oh my bad!You never even defend your friends because the only thing you know is to bully people!"Jasmine said Wow..I cant believe Jasmine is that strong to face a pop!"I do defend my friends!Now stop saying what to do Two-faced!"Kyla said.I guessed Kyla was pretty mad because her face was bright red "Well your the one two-faced!"Jasmine screamed "Enough fighting!"Sapphire said.Sapphire is the queen of stopping fights.And she also loves to explain."How can i not stop when your "Friend"is basically started this fight?!"Kyla said as she made a icy look."Well,This two-faced ugly lady is fighting with me!"Jasmine said
"You started it!"Kyla said
"No you started it!"Jasmine said
"STOP!"Chloe said
"SHE STARTED IT!"Jasmine screamed
"NOO!Liar!!"Kyla said
"Enough fighting!"Sapphire said
"YOU STARTED IT!!"Jasmine shouted
"NO YOU!!"Kyla said
"YEAH!Jasmine started it!"Andee said
"Everybody calm down!"Eliza said
"Yeah!"Rose said
"HOW?!"Kyla said
"JASMINE started it!"Kristine shouted
"Please!!Stop!"Chrystal said
"NO YOU!"The Pops said
"ENOUGH!"I shouted so loud

Finally,Everybody quited down
"Sorry Mia,But this Two-faced ugly lady over here won't stop"Jasmine said
"What?!Now you'll blame me?!"Kyla said as she glared at us
"Well,If your gonna be two-faced,Atleast make one pretty"Jasmine said "Stop Jasmine!We all know you have great comebacks.But now isn't a perfect time!"Eliza said "Sorry Guys,"Jasmine said "Now move on to your life Pops!"We all screamed The Pops sashayed their way out.

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