When You Get High Together

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"Babe pass it" Harry says with wide eyes.

"Hold on" you say as you take another hit.

"Please baby" he begs getting close to you.

"Harry hold on" you say again as he grabs your cheeks.

"Baaaaaaabe!" he says and pulls you into a kiss.

"Okay okay" you say as the kiss was broken.

"Thhaaaannnkks sweetheart" he laughs slumping his arm over you.



"Hey babe do you want one?" he asked looking into your eyes.

"Yeah sure" you laughed.

You took a hit and instantly liked it. After a half hour later your head went dizzy.

"Woah I'm blowed!" Niall says with a loud laugh.

"Same..same here babe" you say and he grabs your hand.

"I shouldn't of let you smoke." he says with a sad face.

"Uh why?" You asked.

"Because now.." he stutters

"Now I can't tell if you are like telling the truth or your just high" he laughs.

"Oh" you say and laugh falling onto him and you both lay on the floor, you in his arms.



"Here!" Zayn says and shoves a joint in your face.

"What?" you say in a confused tone.

"Take it" he says showing you the instructions of putting it to your mouth which you didn't need. You already knew what to do you just haven't smoked before.

"I..." he brakes your sentence apart and puts it in your mouth and you suck in and push out.

"Zayn" you say after all the smoke is out of your mouth.

"Yes sweetie?" he says

"Are you high?" you ask and his eyebrows rise.

"Yes ma'am and you will be soon" he says with a laugh and you chuckle along.



You walk into yours and Louis house to see smoke coming out of the living room.

"Lou-" he looks up at you with his eyes shot.

"Heeeeeyyyy" he says surprising you.

"What are you doing" you ask obviously already knowing.

"Uh would you like to join me?" He asks with a smile.

"Louis I thought you stopped this?" You ask.

"I..I did it's the first In a long time I promise, join?"

"Yeah I guess" you say and laugh sitting next to him.



You just get home from the bar with Liam and find him in the back room rolling a joint.

"Liam" you call and he turns around to see a smile on your face.

"Whatcha doin?" you ask

"Ahh nothing babe...would you like one?" he asks

"Yeah sure" you say taking a seat on the sofa.

"Here" he says handing it to you.

"I love you" he says

"I love you to"

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