Where You'd Work Together

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Harry: Bakery

You and Harry love to cook and bake for eachother. Every birthday or holiday you would take turns making something. Harry thinks its adorable when you cook together because you look so cute with frosting on your nose.

Niall: Waiters

You and Niall love working together mostly because you get to see eachother. You guys both serve tables and get to stay after hours to eat a romantic dinner together before you close up.

Zayn: Singers

You and Zayn are amazing singers. Your voices go together great. He loves when you hit the high notes, he thinks its cute.

Louis: Teachers

You are a teacher and Louis is the principal. You are always in his office for lunch, and things get pretty heated at times.

Liam: Firefighters

You guys love saving people. You take care of eachother while your at work making sure you survive to be able to see eachother later that day. He loves the way you look in the uniform.

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