baby likes it here

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An : crazy last chapter yea? You guys wanted drama.  Lol. My bad if it's too much. 😬 Drop some comments though. Please. And thank you for reading. Please check out my other worksssssss

Dedicated to @GirlyYoongi


Liam was in the waiting room , surrounded by family and friends. It was dead quiet as everyone waited with bated breath.

"So what happened again ?" Karen asked , and Harry nodded , curiosity written on his face as he bit his knuckle , engagement ring glistening brightly. Liam had told the story twice already and glanced at Niall so he would just take over.

Liam busied himself by watching the doors that he knew Zayn and Charlie were behind. Of course he trusted the doctors and nurses, but then again, Dr Adam didn't tell him about the possibility of the baby coming early and spontaneously. He would've liked to know that , and would've wanted to know what to do. All in all, he thinks he and Niall did pretty well handling the absurd situation.

Liam just felt so many things at once. He honestly didn't know if he was happy, sad , frustrated or other, because he was experiencing each emotion as he sat there.

"I remember when I was having you. " Liam's mother startled him with a soft hand to his shoulder. He looked at her with slightly unfocused eyes as she sat down beside him.

"I was in labor for about six hours , then pop! You were out. It was a very easy birth , if I do say so myself. You were such a cute baby - all pink and soft. Your head was like a pumpkin though."

Liam snorted humorlessly , glancing sideways at his mom. " Are you trying to reassure me of something?"

"No , just distracting you. " Karen beamed. " Anyways, it was only after about 2 months that you started behaving like a real baby. Crying , pooping , making a mess , I barely got a lick of sleep. Oh ! And your father?! You drove that man crazy. You would destroy everything that was his , I'm not even sure how you knew it was his stuff , but you did. And whenever he yelled at you for it , you'd just hug him and smile. Just to do it all over again.  But , soon after ,  we found out about your kidneys. "

Liam studied his mom , eyebrows furrowed.

" Then there was the bullying , missing school and all that jazz. You never changed, you never became mean or jaded. You still have all that innocent, boyish love -you got that from your dad by the way.   My little pink pumpkin head  hulk. " Karen hugged him and he melted into his mother's warmth and love.

"So I'm basically saying , if Charlie ends up anything like you , I know you and my son in law are going to be the luckiest, happiest parents imaginable. Zayn is so strong , Liam. He's got us for when he wants or needs to be weak. We have his back. He has you so I know he's safe and cared for and loved." Karen smiles softly , pulling Liam to her chest as if he were a small boy and easily manipulated. In this moment he was though , he just wanted to feel comfort. He was so happy his mother was there for it.

Liam felt his eyes prickle and flood with emotionally charged tears. He let himself cry silently in his mother's arms. They weren't happy tears , nor sad tears - just emotional tears that he let himself keep inside his heart. He knows Zayn would never judge him or think less of him if he ever cried in front of him , but it was still humiliating to even consider crying on his boyfriend's shoulder.

His little , bony , lovable , golden skinned boyfriend. Liam suddenly felt like finding the boy and squeezing the life out of him because he loves and misses him so much.

Liam also felt so silly - he's never been so all over the place before.

Is it possible that he's also pregnant?

Wait - no , no. Liam feels extra stupid. He's never even bottomed before.

Liam removes himself from the long  hug he shared with his mum and wiped his face.

He smiled brightly at her and kissed her. " Thanks. "

"Whatever for ?" She winked and chuckled. "Babies ! I can't wait to hold little Charles ! I need a good tea."

Liam stretched then began to pace. In his head he went over everything he and Zayn brought in preparation for the baby. It started months ago when they first learned of the new addition - you can never be too prepared. Liam learned that the hard way traveling on the road with Harry , Louis , Zayn and Niall. In the early days they often ran out of things fast , or just simply didn't even have them. And , yes , they're a wealthy bunch of men who can easily get whatever , but it doesn't hurt to already have what you might want or need.

Liam sat down, much closer to the door this time , and rubbed his knees , then crossed his arms. He was much calmer, considering everything  , he much rather he was with Zayn and the baby in their home , of course. But now the hospital didn't seem so gloomy and melancholy.

Louis walked by him and ruffled his hair before grabbing Harry for a smoke , and  the long haired boy kissed his cheek.

"You need to quit. " Harry said to Louis.

Louis shrugged. " I will , if I ever get bad news. "

Harry gave a long sigh , and the engaged couple disappeared behind the heavy  exit doors.

Liam looked around the waiting room , his body began to hum with appreciation. He had more hope and faith that things were alright. He knew in his heart that if worst came to worse , he had the support he needed.

It was an amazing feeling - made him want to hug his mum again.

"Mr. Payne ?" Doctor Adam's voice boomed above Liam. He reacted immediately , shooting up from his seat and grabbing the doctor by his arms.

"Yes? They're okay, right ?!"

"Yes , Mr. Payne , you and Mr Horan did wonderfully. It's only ... A slight issue with your child. "

Liam's arms dropped. "What ? You said Zayn and Charlie were fine. "

"Yes , the baby is fine. Zayn is well. As you know Zayn was experiencing intense pain and as far as you know , his water broke. Zayn was given some pregnancy safe muscle relaxers to make things  easier and is resting and well , the baby is very active. So active , that our specialist is postponing the C-section until further notice,  as not to injure the baby. It's a very complicated case. "

Liam breathed in deeply. "But isn't the baby supposed to be coming later ? Why is  that an issue ? Isn't that a good thing that we don't have to rip them out so soon ? "

" Yes and no. The baby is fully developed and it's completely safe to assume they're ready to meet their parents. But , since we can't bring the baby into the world , it's causing Zayn's body much stress. Which , of course isn't good for mot- forgive me , it's not good for either of them. "

"I understand. But they're safe and sound right now ? Can I - can we see them ?"

"I'd be happy to have Tina come get you lot once Zayn wakes up ,Mr. Payne."

" Grandparents first , naturally!" Karen exploded.

"Yes! " Everyone looked over at yaser in complete aww at his outburst.

He shrugged. " We're finally getting somewhere here. "

Unedited *** also info comes from made up shit. This DOES NOT HAPPEN in real life. I made it up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ **

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