chapter 8

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Friends (POV)

This is after Emma went and visited ashley.

Terisa- SO how is she taking the whole 'I killed her father thing'

Emma- not well and i got rushed out before I could tell her the reason

Alesha- Woah Woah Woah Theres a reason.

Emma - *starts singing* Just give me a reason just a little bits enough just a second were not broken just bent and we can learn to love again.\

Alesha-Emma just tell me the damn reason. *looks annoyed*

Emma- well then......

Terisa- I will tell you I killed her father because he was on.....

Terisa gets interuppted by the door being slammed open. 

Terisa's mom- dinners ready girls


Terisa- *whispers* ill tell ya later.

After they are done they are about to walk upstairs when her mom wants her to clean the house so she still cant tell them.


Mother- Well if you want to give me attitude give me your phone. *terisa hands her the phone* and your friends can go home.

Terisa- FINE!

Girls- bye

Terisa- ill tell you guys tomorrow. 

girls- okay.

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