Chapter 12

12 4 0

Ashley POV:

He then grabs my face and..... Kisses me?? I hesitate... Should I kiss him back.... I do.
I do because I missed the feeling of kissing the guy I fell in love with from the beginning of 8th grade til that night, that horid night....

She kissed me back!?!
We just sit there making out for a good 10 mins til lunch..

At lunch we eat together and talk. But there's one thing I'm supposed to be doing do I really wanna do it though? At first j wanted her on my side so I could destroy her! Now... I just want to love her.
She hurt me BAD! Did I hurt her that bad? Or maybe even worse! Idk what to do.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I'll try to update more!

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