Never Again

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Mia clasped her hands tighter together, eyes locked on the steady rise and fall of Hershel's chest. Someone needed to be with him at all times, just in case he were to turn. Maggie took a lot of the shifts alongside her sister Beth, but Mia was always close by as well. 

Everyone tried reassuring her that this wasn't her fault, that it was Hershel's decision to go for the medicine. The guy knew what he was doing, but in her eyes- he didn't. 

Mia was a tool to everyone else, that's what she was there for. The girl wasn't meant for being saved. 

Over everyone else though, Maggie was the one to step up and try to break through to her. She didn't blame her at all for what happened to her father- things happened in this world, they all knew it. Especially Mia. 

"You should go get some sleep Mia." Maggie turned towards her with a whisper. She was sympathetic towards the girl. It spoke levels watching how Mia wouldn't leave his side. "You need rest to get better." 

She didn't deserve to get better. 

Looking at the father and daughter though, Mia knew that Maggie just wanted privacy with her father. 

So, with a breath, the girl rose to her feet and made her way out of the cell. There wasn't anyone else in the area. Everyone else was doing their own thing, taking inventory, making security around the fences, or cleaning up the rest of the inside. 

Curiosity got the best of her. 

Mia leaned against the wall outside the cell with her arms over her chest. Then, patiently, she listened to the sounds of Maggie's sobs. It took a while, but eventually the woman was able to get words out. "I want you to know it's alright daddy." Deep within her chest, the guilt panged against Mia's heart. "Beth and I will take care of each other. If you want to, you can let go. We'll be okay, I promise. You can let go." 

His leg wasn't an everyday injury. Rick had chopped it off with an Axe. It was quick thinking on his part, but it would take a tough bastared to get through something like that. 

Hershel didn't have the toughest demeanor in her eyes. But after something like this, that would have to change. That is- if he pulled through. 

As of now, it didn't seem like many people had a lot of hope. 

In all honesty though, neither did Mia. 

Swallowing down the swelling in her throat, Mia silently walked away from the cell and towards the exit. Sleep wasn't going to come to her, she knew that. So, she might as well make herself useful. Daryl had to be around somewhere outside. He couldn't stand being cooped up in the prison for too long. He said that's where he had always thought he would end up, just not like it was now. 

The door to the outside world creeped open, and immediately she saw most of the others. Carl was helping his father drag the dead walkers into a pile. From there, Glenn was setting them on fire. Beth was in the grassy area with Carol and Sophia tilling up an area for a possible garden. 

All the way across the prison yard however, she could see Hershel's farm truck parked by an opening. There, T-dog, Lori, and Daryl were working on patching it up. 

In all honesty though, Lori was just supervising the two. 

Against the tailgate as well, she could see her bow and arrows laying next to Daryl's feet. He had mentioned that he was going to be making her new arrows. By the looks of the packed quiver, he had done just that. 

Rick had looked up from the body he was standing over and towards her. He exchanged no words, he knew that she didn't want to talk. So, sending her a nod of approval, Mia returned it and started making her way down the concrete stairs. Deep inside, her body was still weak from what she had been through. Gradually she would get back her strength, but that was something that had to come with sleep. Sleep wasn't exactly something she was a fan of. 

Reaching the fence-line, her fingers traced the fence bouncing between each open pocket. It felt soothing, having the feeling back in her hands. With each skip, she got closer and closer to the truck. 

Her eyes remained on the Daryl, the way he pulled closed the open fence before him. It was just like him, not seeing her coming. 

Nobody ever did, and she liked it that way. 

She was just leaving the courtyard, her back to the prison walls and attention facing forward. However, receiving an uneasy turn in her stomach, the girl stopped dead in her tracks. Immediately her fingers twitched, the leg with the pistol on it tensed, and she knew what that meant. Someone was watching her, someone was in her personal space. 

Mia had the weapon out in a split second spinning to face the intruder. As soon as her sights were aligned with the man's forehead, the dark look in his eyes was all she needed. They didn't know this man, nor the other three standing behind him. 

So, once his hand gripped the barrel of her pistol and threw it away, she sprung into action. 

Her hands flew forward knocking into his windpipe. Then, as soon as he had slouched lower, she pulled the shirt from behind his head over his eyes blinding him temporarily. Then, her knee drove violently into his nose receiving a solid crunch. 

"Bitch!" He hollered. "Get her!" 

Only one other man backed him up and went for her. 

However, soon her people were around her as well. Mia was ready to fight, she took her stance, and watched the man rise from the ground with a bloody nose. 

"What the hell are you doing out here?" Rick asked furious. "I thought we told you to stay in your cell block." 

Immediately Mia sent him a look of anger. You actually know these people? 

Rick looked away from her and back to them ignoring her question. 

"We can't stay in there man?" One of the two from the back countered. "Those dead bodies in there, we know em'. Can't stand looking at them."

Glenn shook his head. "We told you to burn them."

"We can't, we tried, but we just can't man. The smell..." 

By now, Daryl was at her side handing her the bow she was going for. "So you decide to come after a little girl?" 

"We ain't ever seen her before!" The one who attacked her yelled. "Thought we were helping you people; and she isn't a little girl! That bitch is a-" 

"You better watch your mouth sunshine." Daryl pressed his crossbow right into his face. "Don't make me put you in your place." 

From behind, Mia couldn't help but hide her smile. It was nice having so many people standing behind her now, she never thought she would say it. 

"Look man, we're sorry." The reasonable two tried to negotiate. "But we can't do it in there anymore. We can help you, anything you need. Just please, let us back in C." 

There were a few stares that went around, but Rick's only travelled in two directions. One towards what she assumed were past prisoners, and the other in the direction of the archers. 

He was waiting for her opinion- so immediately she went to work. 

The man that attacked her, he had multiple tattoos on his body. His hair was wild, his voice was raspy, he put all his weight on his right leg, his finger twitched every other word he spoke, and the look in his eyes was enough to tell her he was a strike out. 

For the one that came in to back up his friend, he seemed timid by the man ahead of them. That was a deadly trait to have in a world like this. Following someone because you're scared, that wasn't that got you far in this world. He was a no go too. 

The other two, the bystanders. They looked to be begging Rick. They were desperate, in dire need of a home. It was just like she was long ago. Right now though, they were more than willing to stand with their fellow prisoners. 

It was a no for all of them. Mia expressed that with a shake of her head. 

Therefore, Rick said no as well. 

That's the power that she had in this group, but by no means was she going to abuse it. 

She couldn't, not when she had so many lives standing behind her now. 

Mia already messed up once, and because of it- Hershel might not make it through the night. She wasn't about to make that mistake again, never again. 

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