
2.8K 51 11

Types of Energy:
Potential: Gravitational, Chemical, and Elastic
Vibrations: Kinetic, Sound, and Thermal
Current: Magnetic and Electrical
Radiation: Nuclear and Light
Torch: Chemical -> Light (useful) and Heat (wasted)
Car: Chemical -> Kinetic (useful), Sound (wasted), and Thermal (wasted)
Kettle: Electrical -> Thermal (useful), Kinetic (wasted), and Sound (wasted)
Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of substance by 1'C.
Latent heat capacity is the amount of energy required to turn a solid into liquid or vapour without a change in temperature.
Conduction - transferred through matter with atoms colliding eg hot pot handle.
Convection - liquid is heated in the presence of gravity eg ovens
Radiation - moves in infrared rays eg sun's heat reaching earth.
-Wind turbines - renewable energy, cheap, no harmful gases produced / noisy, spoil view, wind not always reliable.
-Hydroelectric turbines - doesn't pollute, fueled by water, renewable energy / impacted by drought, prevent fish migration, wildlife may lose habitation.
-Wave and tidal turbines - renewable energy, less dependent on foreign companies, no damage to land / impact marine ecosystems, unreliable wave behaviour, poor performance in rough water.
Required Practicals:
Specific Heat Capacity: lump of brass in ice cold water - it cools down - take out - put in warm water - brass warms up, water cools down until same temp.
Insulation: wrap different materials around a beaker of warm water. And see which takes the longest for the water to cool down.

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