you see his secret talent part 2!

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You walked in the kichen and heard Henry Singing. You hide behind the door and listening. He was playing a Whitney Houston recored I wanna dance somebody. You covered you mouth trying to stop the giggles.
"I wanna dance with somebody, I want to feel the heat with somebody, Yeah I wanna a dance with somebody. With somebody who loves MEEEEE. " You came out behind the door singing  "Don't you wanna dance say you wanna Dance, huh YEAH". You laughed and Henry crossed his arms and was blushing ". You stop the record and treid to stop laughing. "Henry  got to say you have a amazing voice."
"Y/N You better NOT tell ANYONE!".
"Tell them what oh your a Whitney Houston fan." Laughs .
*he growls but he got over it he did sing lots of other songs and stop he would sing to you which you loved.

You picked up the notebook and opened it to see lots of cool drawing. There wear creepy drawing but creative and so much detail. You smiled as you went through the notebook and one page he drew you and you smiled. Patrick turned around and realised what you were looking at and took the book of you. "Where the he'll did you get this Y/n." Patrick asked nervously.
"Patrick it fell on the ground and I love your drawing and especially the one that it me. How long have you been drawing?"
*sighs* "Since kindergarden.
*he teach you how to draw thing that would be difficult ed.  You would always draw in class and always smile when Patrick helps you.

You walked inside Victors house his parents were not home so you to bedroom to see if he was there. You heard music playing and you slow open the door a little bit to.see Victor Dancing.  You smiled because he was so focus and you could tell he have dance like that for a long time. He was so focus he didn't even hear you come in his room.
*he turned around and his face was shocked and he quickly turned off the music.*
"Ehhh. ..hi Y/n...I. .I was just ehh". He was embrassed and you walked closer to him.
"Victor there is no need to be embrassed. You are amazing dancer how long how you been doing this?"
"Since 7th grade."
*you smiled and holed his had*
"Can you teach me?"
*ever since them Victor has teavh you how to dance and you two would have so much fun as snow would laugh all the time if you did something wrong.*

You got up from the couch all nd walked over to Belch.
"I never knew you could play paino?".
*he stops and looks at you and smile*
"Well year ever since I was little I always practice and got better and better at it."
"Maybe you could teach me?"
*Sometimes after school Bechtel would teach you the paino basics and he saw how you improved and he two would try to play the paino together*

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