The Plan

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If you were to ask Jane Giddings to point out to you who her mother was, you'd be surprised by how she would respond. She would either describe or point out someone who looked nothing like her. Her mother, Samantha, had light blonde hair, hazel eyes, and fairly pale skin. Meanwhile, Jane had dark, almost blood-red hair, brown eyes, and slightly toned skin. This wasn't because her father looked wildly different from her mother or anything. In fact, Jane didn't really have a father figure in her life. Instead, it was because Jane was adopted by Sam as a baby.
Something that many people sadly assumed about her is that after she found out, she'd held a grudge against the world. That's how adoptive kids are in many TV shows and movies, after all. Luckily, Jane was nothing like that. She knew that her mother had brought her into a loving home when she needed one, and that was all that mattered to her.
Since a lot of Sam's friends lived in the same area, Jane was never really alone growing up. She ended up becoming close friends with the Hartley sisters, and eventually even more than that with one of them. Some of her friends were a little shocked at first, but nobody around her seemed to feel negatively about it, so there wasn't a problem.
When she woke up on February 2nd of that year, Jane spent most of the morning waiting for a phone call from either Christina or Amy. Since the three girls were so close, she was invited to a lot of the things they did, so there was no way she wouldn't be included in whatever birthday plans had been made for Amy.
Sure enough, once Jane stepped out of the living room and into the bathroom, she could hear her phone ringing. "Mom, could you answer my phone for me?" She yelled to Sam.
"Sure thing!" She yelled back before answering the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi J- wait, Miss Giddings? Is that you?" Sam heard Christina's voice ask through the phone.
"Yes it is. Hi, Christina." She answered.
"Uh, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but where's Jane?" Christina asked, confused as to why she didn't answer.
"She'll be back in a minute, she's in the bathroom." Sam told her.
"Alright... well, since you're here, I wanted to ask you about something." Christina said.
"Alright, go ahead."
     "Uh, have you ever heard of a place called Blackwood Pines?" She asked.
     Sam nearly dropped her daughter's phone. 'How does she know about that?' She wondered.
     "Why do you ask?" She replied, trying not to sound shocked.
     "Well, Amy wanted to go ghost hunting there for her birthday, you know she's into that stuff. Problem is, Dad freaked out when she asked." Christina explained.
     "Oh... well, I went hiking up there a few years back." She said, trying to come up with an excuse. "There were a lot of homeless people staying in the area. He probably just didn't want them to mess with you or anything."
     "Oh... alright..." Christina replied, not really believing what Sam said.
     "Oh, Jane's back. I'll let you talk to her. Just make sure to have your mom text me if you guys decide to plan anything else for Amy today, alright?" Sam asked.
     "Okay, I will." Christina reassured her as Sam handed the phone to Jane and went upstairs.
     "Sorry about that. Of course the second I walk away from it, my phone rings." Jane apologised.
     "Oh, don't worry about it." Christina said, chuckling a bit.
     "So what's the plan for Amy's birthday today?" Jane asked.
     "That's why I called. Listen, is your mom still in the room?"
     "Uh.... no, why?"
     "Good." was all she said in reply.
     "Why do I get the feeling you're up to something?" Jane asked again, sounding suspicious.
     "Because I always am. Do me a favor, get on your laptop and go to google." Christina told her.
     "Why?" Jane questioned.
     "You'll see." She replied, dodging the question.
     Deciding not to argue, Jane went back up to her room and opened her laptop, clicking on the Google Chrome icon. "Okay, what now?"
     "Type in Blackwood Pines, 2015. Then click on the first article to pop up." Christina instructed.
     Upon doing so, Jane saw a news article that she wasn't expecting.
     "'Washington Lodge Burns To The Ground, Seven Survivors Rescued?' Is that the right one?" Jane asked.
     "Yep. Read it." Christina replied.
     Jane skimmed through the article fairly quickly, and was at first confused as to why. However, upon seeing some of the photos in the article, she understood why Christina was so concerned.
     "Is that... is that mom right there in that picture?" Jane wondered out loud.
     "The article says that the survivors didn't want to be named publicly, but I don't think it's a coincidence that they look so similar."
     "Why's that?" Jane asked.
     "So Amy wanted to go explore that area for her birthday as a little ghost hunting trip, but mom froze up and dad freaked out. I've got a little more than a hunch that they're hiding something from us." Christina explained.
     "Okay... so what are you going to do about it?" Jane asked, almost scared to know the answer.
     "Here's the plan; so Amy tells mom and dad that she decided to have everyone spend the night at Emmet's house for her birthday, and everyone else agrees to go. We wait there for awhile until his parents fall asleep, then we take Marcus's van up to the mountain ourselves and check the place out." Christina explained in a hushed voice.
     "You mean... sneak out? Christina, that's a terrible idea." Jane replied.
     "Oh come on, Jane! Amy can bring her ghost hunter crap, we can get Jeremiah to bring his camera, it'll be great!" Christina said, trying to sound convincing.
     "And if we get caught, we'll be dead." Jane argued.
     "We won't get caught. We'll leave once Emmet's parents go to bed, and be back before his parents get up for work." Christina retorted.
     "I don't think it's a good idea, sweetie..." Jane told her. "I mean, what if there really are homeless people up there or something?" She asked, remembering what she heard her mom say on the phone.
     "Well if that's the case, we can bring some food for them." Christina answered.
     Knowing that Christina wasn't going to give up until she said yes, Jane just reluctantly agreed. "Alright, fine. But if we get caught, you owe me big time."
     "Yes! Thank's Jane, you won't regret this I promise!" Christina said happily.
     "Let's hope not..." Jane mumbled.
     "I'll see you later tonight then. Love you!" Christina said as she hung up.
     "Love you too..."

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