Why i love her

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Okay so it seems I'm here again talking about her I know it's very cringy and soppy and I'm sorry ....... so if you don't wanna see my really cheesy soppy side please do not read this XD

NOW continuing from my last update about my previous marshmallow so why do I like her ......well

Star is very different she is very talented as I said last time and is so careening and I'm greatly honed that she has been with me this long even though I can be very strange and confusion and don't always give her all the hugs because I'm so awkward or shy ......she still loves me and gives me lots and lots of hugs

But I don't just love her beacuse of all the hugs we share and because we hang out mostly every weekend no that's not it I love her because it's star I love her because she isn't afraid to be herself and isn't afraid of anything ......and to be honest she's helped me trough a lot weather it's really small and stupid to the massive problems im afaraid to tell her .....she's always there to hold my hand or hug me so all those bad feelings go away and all the bad memories disappear and I love her deeply for just giving up her time to spend with me even if we don't go outside and just snuggle that's all special to me all the memories I make and have with her I love .....I love the fact that she's protective over me even though she thinks it's stupid it makes me feel safe

I love star very much more then any of all this rambling could explain and the redone for me writing this wasn't for me....nor for the people that read this book but for her for her to realise that no matter what she does I love her no matter what and I will keep rambling the same old thing just to make her see that she is perfect in every way and that I love her ......I love her a lot xxxxxxxxx

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