I love you...

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*3 weeks later*

Denis' POV:
Elijah finally recovered after the trip. About a month of our Summer was taken. It still wasn't too late to go on our trip but instead, we just decided to hang out here.

Today was the day that I was going to tell Elijah that I loved him. It wasn't going to be easy. I don't even know if he's gay! But it's worth a shot.

I was sitting in the living room. Alone because no one didn't seem to be awake, or at least I thought so. I heard Alex yelling at Braden from downstairs.

"What are they yelling about", I mumble. I get up and go down the stairs.

Alex's POV:
BRADEN! I TOLD YOU TO NOT DO THIS ANYMORE!", I yell. Braden looks down at his feet in disappointment. "I-I'm sorry...I-", I cut him off. "YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS TO YOURSELF BRADEN!", I say. Tears start forming in my eyes. I was upset.

Braden started cutting again. It made me really upset. I loved Braden alot. I don't want him hurting himself.

Braden had tears forming in his eyes. I knew he hated being yelled at. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Them next thing you know, we both started crying.

Denis came running down the stairs. "What are you guys- ...oh", Denis stopped his sentence. He saw us both crying. "I-It's nothing...", Braden said sniffling. "Nooo, there's something wrong", I said. I pulled up Braden's sleeve showing the cuts. Denis gasps. Braden looks down at his feet in disappointment.

"Braden...Why?", Denis asks. Braden shrugs his shoulders, still looking down at his feet. "I...don't know...", he says, quietly. I kiss Braden on his lips and hug him. "It'll be okay", I whisper to him. Denis goes back up the stairs.

Denis' POV:
I was sad. My best friend cutting himself? But why? He doesn't seem like the type of person to do that. He always had that bubbly and cheerful personality. I don't know...

I go back upstairs and see Elijah going threw the fridge. "Hey! What are you doing", I say. He jumps a little. "N-nothing!", he says closing the fridge. I laugh a bit. "I was just kidding", I say. He smiles. "There's no fooood hereeee", he says exaggerating. I shake my head and giggle. "Yes, there is", I say. He frowns. "But there's nothing that I want!", he says. He sounds like a five year old. He sounded so adorable.

I sigh. "Fine. How about I take you out?", I say. I realized that what I just said sounded like I was asking him on a date. I mean I kinda was but I didn't want it to sound like that.

"A-are you asking me out on a date", he says, blushing. My face turned red. "I-I...maybe...", I say stumbling with my words. He smiles. "I-I would be...glad to go...", he says. "R-really?", I say. He nods.

I felt like bursting into tears, scream, and kissing him. But I couldn't do that, I least not yet.

"O-okay! Let's go", I say.

We head out to the car. "I'M driving this time", I say jokingly. Elijah laughs. "Alright", he says. I get into the drivers seat and Elijah gets in the passenger. (AN: Like it wasn't obvious lol) I drive off. I forgot to tell Alex and Braden that we were leaving but i'm pretty sure they will be fine.

I can't believe that I'm actually alone with Elijah. My heart starts beating fast. I start to turn a light pink. He looked so cute.

"S-so where do you wanna go?", I ask. He looks at me. "Uhm... I wanna go to Olive Garden!", he says smiling. (AN: I couldn't think of anywhere else xD So I just chose my favorite resturant) "Okay", I say.

*Wizard Alex time travel! :o 40 minutes later*

We arrive at Olive Garden. We get out of the car and go into the restaurant. A lady shows us to our seats. Elijah sits down and I sit next to him.

"Hi! Can I start you two boys off with a drink?", the lady says while handing us our menus. "Uhm, I'll have a Sprite please!", Elijah says. She writes down his drink on a pad. "I'll have a Tea", I say. "Okay! I'll be back in a second", the lady says. She leaves our table.

This is my chance! This is my chance to tell Elijah.

Elijah's POV:
It was reall nice that Denis took me on a date. I am alone with Denis and I am really nervous. Could this be the time I tell him that I love him?

"E-Elijah?", Denis says. I look up from my lap and look at him. "Y-yes?", I say. "Can I...tell you something?", he asks. I don't know what's happening. "Uhm, yeah!", I say. He looks away from me blushing. "Uh..never mind...I'll tell you when we get in the car", he says. "O-okay", I say. Weird.

*Time skip to 20 minutes*

We finally get our food! Denis got Spaghetti (AN: Let the mems roll in) and I got Ribs. Without hesitation, I start eating. Denis stares at me. I stop and blush. He laughs. "You're really hungry aren't you?", he says giggling. I nod my head with my full of food. I giggle a little.

*40 minues later*

After we're done eating, we pay for our food and leave. We get into the car. "Uhm, before we leave...I really need to tell you this...", Denis says. I look at him. "Y-yes?", I say. His eyes sparkle. "Elijah...I love you...", he says.

I couldn't believe it! Did he really just say that?!

Before I know it, he puts both of his hands on my cheeks and pulls me closer to him. He blushes and so do I. "D-Denis w-what are you doing!", I say. He leans closer to me, our noses touch. "This...", he says quietly. He puts his lips onto mine. His lips were soft and warm. I...liked it. I kissed him back. After a few seconds, he pulls away. "I...I love you...", Denis says. I look at him. "I...love you too", I say smiling.

(And that's the end folks! This was the last chapter. I really hope you enjoyed this book. I know i'm a bad writer  lmao This is my first time ever writing a fanfiction but I really hope you liked it! Dorl book coming Friday! xx)


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