Part 4

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Time skip to the morning lmao:

Max's mind state:

Me-breakfast time Nik -

-He stands there with a glare on his face down at the bed.. empty-

Me-Nik! nik?! Where are you- he yells out to the forest and runs in neil takes along-

Me-Neil!! go that way Ill go this way okay?-

Neil-Okay Ill yell as loud as I can if I find her!- he yells as he goes in the opposite direction as max-

Nikki's mind state:

Someone nearby- Come her little girl I just wanna play come her I can do the rest of what I was planning! come on brat!-

-Nikki sobs quietly as she buttons back up overalls-

Me-W-w-hy w-w-wh-er-s M-m-axx where..- she says quietly giving no clue shes in a tree-

The man steps under the tree-

The Man- come on dont make me climb trees he gets out a knife-

Nikki-sobs quietly then looks down at him-

The Man-found you as he shoves the knife in the branch not enough to break it but to nearly hit her leg-


-she gets up and goes higher-

Max's mind state-

Me-Where could she be deep in the forest i know that in s-

-Nikki on the ground bruises all her body only has her shirt on and other stuff-

Me-Nikki!!1 NIK FUCK FUCK NIK COME ON wake up please-

-realizes she halfway naked and lets go backs up as she awakens-

-face turns red burning like he was in heat or something and takes of his coat and puts it over her legs-

-covers his mouth in shock of what he saw-:( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °) love me-:

Nikki's mind state:

-she wakes up confused at max why his face was burning red and hot and why his sweater was on her legs?-

Max-Nik look under the sweater he says as he shakes-

-Nikki looks under and pulls the sweater around the front of her standing up and tying it on her-

Max's-face turns back to normal-W-what-er you doing there-

Me-Well it will cover up until we find my pants!-

Max-covers his eyes-

Nikki-see's a note with her overalls hanging by a knife on the tree-

Max-Can I open them now?!-

Max-(the bad-ass he is grabs her by the arms and buttons them himself to hurry it the fuck up continue..)

-Nikki blushes by how fast he buttons then like he was annoyed by her half naked is he that type to not want to see her butt?-(Ik weird right agree if you read thus far lmao)

Max-blushes his face lighting up red and he looks at Nikki's its red like her eyes and tip of her nose and she blushes alot after she looks away quickly-

Nikki-L-lets go-

Max-But what about Neil and also whats that you have there-

Nikki-n-nothing important!-

Max-glares at her and smirks a twisted smirk-

Max-Come on lemme see it he backs her to a tree hovering over her-

Nikki-face turns red burning to warm his heat combining with mine to warm-

Neil-Hey guys could you stop looking like your going to have sex?-

Max and Nikki-turn around and glare and then chase after him laughing the whole way-

Time pass:

(I'M back its been about 2 weeks since I've updated I'm sorry lmao I wont keep you waiting here you go! I love you guys!)

Nikki's perspective

Me-shakes side to side in her bunk burning up-

( Before)

Max-smirks a twisted smirk pushes her against a tree-


Me-Wh-why would h-he unle-less he feels the same way a-as me?-

                                                                   Time skip-(IM SORRY OKAY IM A LAZY BUTT!)

Max's P.O.V

David-Come into pairs now kids and get on the bus were heading downtown two each seat this might be a long time-

Neil-I guess I'll go with space-kid see-ya max

Me-Okay I guess I'll go with (wheres Nikki? still in the cabin I guess)-

    -Max walks in seeing Nikki on her bunk curled into a ball-

Me-Nik Come on we need to get on the bus come on-

Nikki- Don't move please Don't move-

Nikki-pears outside to see a guy with a gun a bit far from the camp she bolts pulling me with-

Me- The FUC-

-Max peers around the corner and see's him he bolts as well-

They both get on the bus

Me-Nikki you okay you looked tired over there..-

Nikki-What no I'm not come on why would I be nervous or eve-

-Max shushes her quickly then seeing a man in a cloak out their window knocking at it his head tilted sideways like a dead bird-

Me-jumps and crushes Nikki's side-

Me-blushes and backs back up to his spot-

Nikki silently- ow-oww-

-Max feeling bad hugged her softly then let go after a second-

Nikki-smiles and hugs him back-

Max-looks to the other side and not while she hugged him-

                                             Small update-

103 VIEWS OMGRD Wow 103 people hope more ppl find this interesting Well

I have more ins stock once i get ideas and get a passion project down lol Seeya guys!! And ill udate once a week so ya and returning comments! thanks for the support!                                

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