Missing you Monday

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   Time is passing by so slow today. It's so boring without Oliver here. I know he can be annoying sometime, but I really do miss him. Miss him walking me to class, being with me in 5th and 7th period together, talking to me, kissing me, hugging me. I feel like such a loner. The girls and I all have different classes to. 

  Lunch came around and I had asked Seb where Oliver was, he said that Oliver was sick. If I remember he was just fine yesterday when we went to go get frozen yogurt. 

  Without him I feel so useless.

*Bell Ring*

  Finally, school was over. I walked home today with Jack like always, but more quiet. I wasn't able to think straight. As soon as we got home I went to my room and and plopped on my bed. After about 10 minutes of silence by myself I finally got up at check the time. 


  I got up and start to do homework. After about 20 minutes of homework I only just finished math. I took a 3 minutes break then back to homework. After 1 hour of homework I decided to go downstairs and help mom cook dinner. ¨What's for dinner mom?¨ I yelled walking down the steps. ¨mac and cheese. Is there anything you want for dinner honey?¨ Mom yelled back. When I finally got down the steps I finally thought of what I wanted. ¨Mom I'll be back, and anything is fine for dinner.¨ I walked out my house leaving my mom confused.


  ¨Come in.¨ I walk inside Oliver's room to see a half naked Oliver. ¨ohh..it's you May.¨ He managed to say after looking at me. ¨Yeah. It's me. I guess i'm not welcome here.¨ What the heck. Who was he even expecting to come. Wrong timing. ¨NO. NO. Don't leave. I was just surprise you came.¨ ¨So...i'm just going to let my 'boyfriend' suffer from being sick and not come see him at all.¨ I say walking over to the bed sitting beside him. ¨I guess my 'girlfriend' does have a point.¨ he chuckle. 

  ¨Sebastian said you were sick, but you seem fine yesterday and now.¨ I told him. ¨I am fine,      it's just a bad headache from eating way to much frozen yogurt yesterday.¨ There was a silent between us. ¨Put on a shirt.¨ I say as blush came over my cheek. Instead of putting on a shirt Oliver smirk and pull me into his lap. He rested his chin on my shoulder as he whisper in my ear ¨I miss your scent so much. It gives me life because every time I smell this scent I know that it's you.¨ ¨so you only miss my scent and not me.¨ I joke knowing the answer already. ¨Of course I miss you. Today all I did was rest in this boring bed thinking about what you were doing at this time.¨ He's so cheesy.

I told him all about school and how boring it was at school and he just laughed at me of how much I needed him. But I didn't care because it was the truth. 


 GUYSSS..!!!! HaHa. PLEASE VOTE ON THIS. I love you all. There might be some drama in the up coming chapter. Stay tune to know what happen. I might upload a different book, so if you guys wanna see that comment ¨PINEAPPLE¨ (lol, so random, I know) BYEEE!!!

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