Chapter 01: Save Me

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Namjoon yawned, feeling the light hitting his bare skin. He murmured to himself and pulled the pillow over his head. He did not feel like getting up right now. He knew that he had to, they had a schedule packed full of things to do, but he just wanted a little more sleep. They had Fan Meetings scheduled for the next two days and if he didn't get up and get the rest of the group out of bed, Sejin would be pissed. He let out a groan and rolled over on his bed. Squinting his eyes, he let them adjust only to find himself completely lost.

"What?!" His deep voice left his lips as he took in his surroundings.

He was not in the Bangtan house, where the hell was he? Did they sign up for another American Hustle? No, he would have remembered that. Namjoon quickly sat up and took in the strange room around him. Did he drink too much with Yoongi hyung last night?

He glanced over to where his roommate's bed should have been, but nothing. He was so confused. He quickly got up from the bed and looked around, there was nothing in this room that was familiar to him. Namjoon opened the door to the room and peered down the hallway like something was about to jump out at him, it was like he was in the middle of some creepy horror movie or something.

"Jin Hyung?" He called out. Jin was the eldest and usually the first one up.

He was answered back with silence.

Joon slowly walked down the unfamiliar hallway inspecting every inch of the walls and the floors, the hallway was different, there weren't as many doors as the Bangtan dorm. Where the hell was he?

"Hyung? Hobi?" He called out wondering if anyone was there. He had been with Yoongi, maybe they got lost or Yoongi stopped at one of his producer friend's houses.

He got to the living room and an unfamiliar portrait of himself stared back at him. He didn't remember ever having that hairstyle or posing for this kind of picture. And since when did they have a framed portrait of him in the living room?

"What the fuck is going on?" He murmured to himself.

"Namjoon-ah! You're up!" A loud voice boomed from the front door. "I usually have to wake you, are you ready to go to the studio?" The unfamiliar man asked.

"W-who are you? Where am I?" Namjoon asked glancing around quickly before looking back at the man.

"Are you feeling okay, yah?" The man asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

"I... I really don't know..." Namjoon felt his head spinning and moved to take a seat on the white leather couch. Bangtan would definitely not have a white couch, they were all much too clumsy to keep a white couch clean.

"Did you go out and have too many drinks last night?" The man moved closer to him and put a comforting hand on Namjoon's shoulder which caused him to flinch. He didn't know this man, so he didn't feel comfortable having his hands on him.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Namjoon asked, his voice breaking a little, he was freaking out on the inside, but trying to remain as calm as he possibly could on the surface.

"Namjoon, this is your apartment." He stated as he glanced at the portrait on the wall and then back to the blonde haired rapper. "Did you hit your head?"

"My apartment?! What do you mean? Where is Jin? Yoongi? Hobi? Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?" The names came spilling from his lips as if they were natural, but the man looked at him confused.


"The rest of Bangtan, we live together... we have always lived together..." Namjoon stated, his tone firm.

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