Annoying brothers

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So, my family owns a cabin in a small town of just cabins. None of the families knew each other, at this town, until we all went. Now we are all best friends and we do everything together. We always cook out and eat together. The kids are always running around playing in all the cabins, teens go out in the woods and hang out, parents just talk and watch the kids. Now for the story.

Running over to the garage I head to my four wheeler. My friend Shay walks in and grabs her helmet and tosses mine over. I catch it and put it on. We head out into the trails to meet up with the others. Soon I hear a voice calling my name from behind. Looking behind me I see my younger brother and slow down to a stop. Shay looks back at me and I wave her off. She nods and keeps going.

“What do you want Travis?” I ask sounding irritated.

He answers, “I want to come with.”

“No you are not coming. Go back to the other brats and leave us alone,” before he can reply I add, “You aren’t even supposed to be out here. Mom and Dad will be mad when they find out that you went out into the woods on your own. Get home now!”

He sticks his tongue out at me and I roll my eyes. Thankfully he obeys and walks back towards home. I suddenly feel a chill in the air and frown as it blows through my hair. There is no wind for today and the sun is shining brightly. Soon I feel as though I am being watched.

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