Chapter two

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Edd pov

I tugged nervously at the pull string on my hoodie as I walked through the hotel lobby.
I thought I'd surprise visit Tom.
I haven't heard from him in a few days..
I found the apartment that they said belonged to him and knocked.
I was greeted by the familiar face of my Blue hoodied- friend, although at the moment he was wearing a gray t-shirt and yoga pants and was rubbing his eyes as he stared at me expectantly.
"W-what? What do you want? Do you know what time it is?" He yawned, narrowing his eyes.
"It's twelve p.m..." I answered, tilting my head.
He seemed startled for a moment, but quickly regained his ruggish version of composure and glared at me.
"What do you want?" He snapped, raising his voice.
"I just came to visit.." I pouted, flinching slightly at his tone.
"Go away." He growled, slamming the door in my face.
Gosh.. that was kinda hurtful..
Though, this is Tom we're talking about here. He has a tendency to act like this.. doesn't make it hurt less though..
I got a pretty decent glimpse into his apartment although the encounter was brief. It was a complete mess, empty bottles all over the floor and it looked like he broke a vase or lamp, or both.
Gosh, he can be such a slob.
Well.. what now? Do I go home, or try again?
I don't think he's gonna invite me in anytime soon, I'll leave and come back tomorrow.
Maybe he'll let me in if I bribe him...

I knocked on the eggshell white door of Tom's apartment, taking a step back when I heard footsteps aproach from the other side.
Tom let out a soft growl as he opened the door, seemingly displeased with my presence.
"What are you doing here? How often do you plan on showing up?" He huffed, rolling his 'eyes' as he leaned in against the door frame.
"As often as I decide to." I said sassily, earning a raised eyebrow from the other.
"Could you decide to at least let me know when you're 'stopping' by." He replied, pursing his lips.
"I could." I answered, smirking.
"Edd, what do you want?" He sighed, narrowing his eyes.
"To come in." I smiled.
"And why would I let you in?" He growled, shifting a little.
"Because I have pizza." I smiled, lifting up the box to show him.
He looked a little baffled but he seemed to be drooling.
"Eh..ok, come in, make sure the pizza comes with." He said slowly, moving out of the doorway to let me in. I stepped over the empty bottles of smirnoff, trying to get to the couch. It was a mess still, but it looked like he cleaned up a little bit. Not much, but a little.
"Sorry for the mess, I guess." He said half-heartedly as I sat down.
He sat next to me and seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable.
"Here." I muttered as I opened the pizza and took a slice, making a gesture for him to take some.
He didn’t hesitate to dig in, eagerly devouring half the pizza before realizing I was staring.
"I'm sorry-" He quickly apologized, looking guilty and embarrassed.
"It's fine, I can't eat it all myself anyhow and I'd rather not take any with me." I shrugged, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
"If there are left overs, they aren't leaving the apartment." He said, taking another slice.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, but I was worried, "I don't think I've ever seen you eat so much before."
"Eh? Well, I haven't gone to the store since I moved in, and when I was there I didn't get a whole lot." He said, looking at the floor.
He's acting weird.
He's being kinda shy.
That's kinda off-putting.
It didn't take long for Tom to finnish off the pizza.
I had one slice.
I thought about having another so I could say I ate enough to be full, but he seemed really hungry, and that worried me.
Tom kinda stared at the empty box as if he were wishing there was another slice.
Gosh, he's so quiet.
"So, what have you been up to?" I asked, leaning into the couch.
"Not much." He replied, shrugging.
He didn’t seem interested in conversation.
I looked around, noticing a picture frame on a side table.
It was a group picture of the day we all moved in together, how sweet.
Tom looked as if he were in his own little world.
I wonder what it would be like.
Tom's world would be filled with smirnoff, I'm sure of it.
I observed that there was only one other door in the apartment, I figured it was the bedroom and had the bath connected to it. There didn't seem to be a kitchen but there was a fridge in the back of the room. It had alchahol in it no doubt, considering he hadn't already drank it all.
"How long do you plan on staying?" Tom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing my attention back to the boy next to me.
"Oh, um, I don't know." I answered, tilting my head and leaning forward a little.
"You can go home now." He remarked, turning his head to rest it against his shoulder as he leaned heavily into the couch.
"Oh.. ok.." I sighed, getting off the couch and heading to the door,
"I'll see you later, Tom."
"Sure." He replied, although he didn't really sound enthusiastic about it.
"Bye.." I closed the door behind me, taking a few steps out before letting out an even heavier sigh than before.
That was pleasant.
Geez, why'd he kick me out so quickly?
It's not like he has any plans.
I'll stop by again tomorrow, maybe he'll be less of an ass.

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