Chapter Five

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The waitress brought out our meals, causing Tom to smile, lick his lips, and rub his hand together in anticipation.
He quickly dug in, finishing his meal in a mear 5 minutes.
I was a bit surprised by his haste, concerned by his appetite.
"Geez, Tom. Maybe slow down next time so you can taste it." I joked, raising an eyebrow.
"But it's so goooddd." He huffed in a whiny, exaggerated tone, cracking a smile after his performance was over.
I cleaned my plate shortly after, so I suppose I'm a bit of a hypocrite, which Tom teased me for.

After chatting for a few more minutes, the waitress came over to retrieve our plates.
"Do you need anything else?" She smiled sweetly, giving my eyeless friend a flirty smirk.
"No, I think we're good." He muttered, not even looking at her as he sipped his sweet tea.
She sighed, walking away with our dishes.
I laughed, earning a confused glance from Tom, but he didn't inquire why.

I sighed, feeling full and tired, setting my empty glass back on the table.
"You ready to go?" The grumpy boy asked, shifting, readying himself to scooch out of the booth.
I smiled, "Ya, I could use a nap."
"You can nap on my couch if you want."
"Haha, where will you sleep then?"
"Shut up, I revoke my offer."

We walked to the front to pay our tab.
I reached into my pocket to get my wallet, but Tom put a hand on my shoulder,
"Don't worry about it, my treat."
I was a bit taken aback, so I said nothing, just watched him pull out his debit and hand it to the waitress who completed the transaction.
Wow, he bought me lunch? But he seemed reluctant to hang out with me at all. Buying him food was my way of bribing him for his time. So, why does he feel the need to cover the check?

I stared up at him, feeling curious and a bit shy, though I'm not sure why. What a strange day.

"So, here's your receipt. Would.. you like me to write my number on it?" The waitress smiled shyly, raising an eyebrow.
Tom frowned,
"I wouldn't recommend flirting with people who are clearly on a date."
The waitress and me both turned to him with the same look of surprise.
Date???? Is that why he paid? Or is he just saying that so she won't ask again?
I caught his gaze.
He smirked and winked at me, only making me more confused and both me and the waitress flustered.
Is that his way of saying it IS a surprise date or that he's making it up??
Tom- please clarify!

The waitress stammered an apology, saying she didn't realize before hurrying away.
The two of us wordlessly walked out, silently walking beside eachother.
I glanced at him, trying to decipher what mood he's in.
He didn't look uncomfortable, shy, or annoyed. He seemed relatively neutral.
Maybe that means it was just a hang out between friends, not a date.
Ok, good.
I still wish he'd verbally say that, so I didn't feel so nervous.

I paused for a moment, stopping in my tracks.
Tom stopped too, confused.
"You good?"
"Where are we going?" I frowned, realizing I was just following him.
He tilted his head,
"Oh ya, I'm used to you walking home with me since we've lived together so long. I hadn't noticed. Do what you want, I guess."
I raised an eyebrow, smirking, "Then I'm following you home, like a stray cat!"
He laughed a bit, giving a cocky smile,
"So, the usual?"
I playfully elbowed him,
We gently shoved eachother as we started walking again, laughing while halfheartedly threatening to shove the other off the sidewalk.
I missed stuff like this.
I'm invading his schedule more often from now on.

"Edd, you're heavy. I'm too full for you to lay on me." He whined.
I huffed, refusing to budge.
He gently pat back,
"Eddddd. Lemme lay in peace."
"You chose to lay on the couch in my presence. This means we share."
"Pfft- we aren't five anymore."
"So? I wanna lay on you. You make for a good heated pillow!"
"Spoiled brat."

Tom chuckled, throwing an arm over his eyes, a soft smile on his face.
It made me smile in turn, but also feel anxious.
I feel a bit nervous around him given the ambiguity of that smile and wink after saying we were on a date.
Like, I just never thought of any of my friends as a possible love interest, especially since my only female friends are lesbians.
I never considered being with a man, I honestly don't know anything about it.
Maybe I should just shut my brain off for a while and stop thinking about it.
Maybe I'll take a nap.

I wonder why Tom insists on sleeping on the couch and not in his bed.
"Do you have a bed?"

The eyeless boy frowned, moving his arm to look at me with a raised eyebrow,
I tilted my head before resting my chin on my hand,
"I just noticed you always seem to sleep here."
He gestered to the door on the wall farthest from the front door,
"It's back there, knock yourself out. It's less comfortable than the couch though."
"Maybe you should shop for a new one?"
"That would require effort."
"Haha, yes, but then I wouldn't have to sleep on you when I stay over."
"But I need a blanket that comes to me, so i don't have to get up."

I sighed, trying to suppress a chuckle,
"Who's spoiled again? I don't think it's me."
"Says the one that got free lunch and is using me as a cushion."

I snickered, leaning against his chest, but doing so made me nervous again.
I didn't want him to notice, so I just stayed there for a minute to avoid suspicion.
He's so warm, but his hands are cold, but that's normal for him.
However, they are so cold, I can feel it through my shirt.
It's like having ice for hands,
He squinted at me,
"Are you cold? It's pretty nice in here."
I gestured to his hand that rested on my shoulder,
"Your hands are cold as hell."
He gave me a shit eating grin before stuffing both his hands under my shirt, clasping them together to rest on my back.
I yelped in surprise, giving him a dirty look as I sat up,
He broke into a fit of laughter, squeezing me tightly as he rested his head against my chest,
"You're so easy to mess with!"
"Ugh! Why are you like this!"

(😳 an update! Wow, thanks to that one person that commented earlier, I honestly forgot this story, since I don't write here anymore. I missed it, maybe I'll finally update overdose again?? Maybe not, who knows. Update schedule currently looks like 1 ch every 1-4. years. Cheers lads.)

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