Part 1

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In the priority seating area you are required to move for seniors and people with disabilities.

The MAX line rocked back on forth along the track as it carried on to its final destination. Bikes hung limply from their resting places and phones slid from pockets as everyone chose to ignore the people sitting besides them. A group of noisy teenage girls boarded the almost packed orange line and giggled loudly, disturbing the unspoken vow of silence that everyone else seemed to have taken. The girls swayed from side to side, their handbags following suit as they stood right inside the backdoor of the second car, gossiping loudly and continuously disturbing the peace.


Levi black wore a large frown as he sat in the first seat besides the back door of the second car of a noisy Orange Line. He's never liked loud noises and he's never liked girls so putting the two of them together only made his frown want to grow. One of his headphone buds had stopped working the stop before so he had pulled it out, now regretting that action cause the girls might talk to him. Thankfulling mid-motion he had decided to wrap the useless electronic over the top of his ear instead of letting in fall and now sat wondering if his hair was long enough to make it seem as though he still had both in. It was, the obnoxious passengers only saw two neon orange wires leading up into messy midnight locks then disappear into nothing.

"Clinton and 12th street, Doors to my left" The prerecorded voice of the train echoed and Levi removed his hand from his pocket to push the hair from his face as he looked to the map besides the door

Only seven more stops

Letting his hair fall back Levi turned and looked to the ground, pulling out his phone as he felt two of the girls look his way. He opened messages and texted the only person he knew would respond

"Mayday Mayday, girls on train, helppp !!!1!1" Just as Levi had predicted Bianca, his trusty sister-like friend responded with in seconds

"Suck it up Lev, Be a man" The frown reversed itself as the the almost adult beheld his friends words of wisdom. Taking a breath, Levi returned the phone to his pocket and turned down the volume on his heavy metal music.

"Go say hi'

"You go, you're the one that said he's hot"

"Oh my god, shut up, no i didn't"

Levi listened to the girls in front of him speak, he agreed that he was hot but he mentally begged and prayed none of them would say 'hi'

"South West Mill, Doors to my right" Levi blinked at the trains voice and glanced to the map again, they were making good time, only two stops left. Reaching up Lev used the bars to lift himself to standing position, however still stood in front of his seat. At Least a head taller than the tallest of the girls he was able to look straight ahead and out the window without any awkward eye contact. Two stops came and went and Levi stepped out of the light rail cabin and onto the cold wet cement that lined the court house. Using quick steps Lev made it the one block to the mall, avoiding bumping into others and stepping into the majority of nasty things stuck to sidewalk. Bianca stood just besides the silver man that brought Sw Mall and 5th to life.

"It's gonna rain soon" Was her greeting as he neared, in response Levi took a deep breath, the humidity touching him

"Give it about an hour after the first drizzle" He smiled and Bianca locked her arm with his, leading them both indoors


"You escape those girls Okay?" She chuckled and let go of the other to step onto the descending escalator "I bet they were vicious" Levi reached up to push his hair back, two steps behind the younger.

"Not as vicious as you" The comment resulted with him getting punched in the arm and him over dramatically reacting. The two made their way to bed bath and beyond while talking about trivial things, such as whether they would match hairstyles next time they got a haircut and such.


"Ooh stress relief lotion" Bianca's mouth hung open as she beheld the green glass before her.

"In other words, your next boyfriends salvation" Another one of Levis comments leaving him with another punch to the other arm and him responding with a loud chuckle. Walking up to the cashier Bianca placed her pile of treasures on the counter and Levi rubbed his arm acting like there was more pain than he actually felt.

"You're such a baby" Bianca looked at Levi while the woman behind the counter rang them up "Be a man, my god" She paid for her 3 bags of products and started towards the door with two, leaving the last to Lev, which he took and promptly followed after her.


The two sat besides the fountain of Pioneer Square Mall after obtaining snacks from various shops besides and around the two block shopping center. They ate and talked for a good three hours before getting ready to leave. Their prediction of rain was correct, as always, it had begun just as they were headed back from Rocket fizz. Running through the light sprinkle, Zots in hand, they made it back to the Mall just as the rain became a true downpour, and just as Levi had said, it halted an hour later.


"No, are you stupid, who brings mayo to a deserted island"

"You said pick a sandwich" Bianca looked at Levi with disgust as they stood before the Forever 21 outside window

"You are never supposed to choose anything with mayo or tuna, smart one. Everyone knows this"

"Well obviously not everyone cause i didn't" Levi countered and leaned forward looking for the train. Bianca just shook her head and smiled at his stupidity. The red lines horn went off and the light of the nearing Transportation shone bright, blinding both Levi and Bianca for a moment. A moment too long.


Just as the light of the train flashed in everyone's eyes. Figures clad in all black came up behind the pair of friends. Their masked hands and faces working in sync to cover the teens' mouths and to whisper for them not to struggle, in a moment they were across the tracks and headed into a parking structure. Bianca was shoved into the back of a shiny Cadillac XT5, Levi following after. The doors shut behind them and the friends looked at each other in silent shock as it look less than a moment for the car to jerk back and speed down the spiraling exit ramp. The doors locked as they began their descent. A hooded figure in the passenger seat turned to spray something at the teens, knocking them unconscious for the remainder of the ride.

Levi BlackWhere stories live. Discover now