2. Find

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Jimin POV

Jimin pulls up to his home, far from the city. It's an old abandoned house for sure, all the paint chipped, stairs broken, fences bent. Not many people know this area, as they were taught that it's dangerous.

"Those snakes don't know who they were messing with today." Jimin says as he enters the door, slamming it shut afterwards.

"Dude what the fuck happened today? Who saved you?" Taehyung bombarded him with questions that everyone wanted to hear.

Jimin sighs.

"I don't know, but it was this young girl, probabably still in school, I have the gun she held." Jimin says studying it through the plastic bag.

"We can use her fingerprints on that to track who she is." Namjoon takes the bag with the gun in it into his own hands and heads over to his laptop.

"Get me as much information you can on this girl, I want to know who the hell she is." Jimin tells everyone as he smirked to the ground.


12 a.m

You are still traumtized by what happened earlier.  Your right hand is covered with someone else's blood, and you think you might go crazy.

You go back to your apartment and take a shower, trying to wash everything that was dirty about you. Your hands your hands your hands. You start to scrub your hands over and over again.

It's fine. Everything is in the past. You can continue on with your life. No one there knows who you are. No one knows you were there.

2:53 a.m

You try to sleep, but it just isn't possible. You've been staring at your ceiling for too long.  Shifting from left to right, on your stomach and back, nothing will do.

My parents are probably so disappointed in me.

You start to think about your parents. They died so innocently, you were only 3 at the time yet you remember them so vividly. Your mom and dad were so loving. Why did someone murder your parents? What have they done to deserve this?

Jimin POV

"The girl's name is Kim Y/N. She lives by herself in an apartment, her parents passed away 19 years ago. She lived with her aunt but moved out when she was 18. She goes to Seoul University, student number 634912 studying health and nutrition. Ok this is really irrelevant but her favourite icecream flavour is matcha." Namjoon reports to Jimin in the meeting room.

"How the fuck?...icecream? What?" Jimin was confused on how he got such irrelevant information.

The meeting room is a dark sealed, sound proof room. No windows no nothing. Just a big table, bunch of chairs and and uncountable number of computers and tablets.

Jimin taps his toe on the floor, cleaning his handgun with a cloth as if it were a baby.

"Find her and get her ass over to me, and be gentle with her alright, I'm serious." Jimin stands up, rolls his neck cracking every single bone.

Just like that, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook get into their van and headed to your school with all the equipment.

(A/N oH ShIT..)


"Hey where were you last night? I literally told you I would only leave for a few minutes! I can't believe you ditched me!" Minji accuses you.

"Sorry Minji, something just-" You stutter, hands starting to sweat.

"Just what?" Minji arks her eyebrow.

"Something just popped up and I had to go home alright?" You try to sound convincing.

"Ummm okay then? You're being weird Y/N.. I'll see you later!" Minji says as she skips to class.

*In class*

"Okay students please take your textbooks out and flip to page 346." Your teacher tells the class.

"Miss Y/N are you listening?" Your teacher taps the white board marker on the table a couple of times trying to get your attention, obviously annoyed.

"Sorry." You apologize quickly, face flushed red. You usually aren't like this. Everyone starts giggling at you.

The whole day goes on like this. It's like your soul left your body.


At that moment, everyone from all the classes ran out, happy that school was over. You don't usually leave at the same time as everyone else though, it's too crowded.

After everyone had left, you went to the back of the school to leave because that way it's faster instead of walking around the whole school from the front.

Crunch crunch

Its already 5pm and super dark. There are city lights but not many around this area.


Turning around, you see no one. Maybe  you're just being paranoid. You walk a little faster, trying to get to the main road as quickly as possible.

"You're just being paranoid Y/N." You whispered to yourself. But then you saw a shadow coming, you knew for sure it wasn't a tree.. there aren't trees here.

You turn around, and the next thing you see is a man with brown hair and bunny teeth harshly pushing you down to the ground, scraping your knees and elbows. You could feel your flesh against the gravel.

You scream for help but he has already tied a sock around your mouth and duct taped it. Tears start coming out of your eyes. Who are these people, what do they want from you? Am I'm going to get raped??? All these thoughts start racing your mind.

"Hurry Jin Hyung pass me the zip ties." The brunette motioned another man towards him. He took your hands and you restrained, kicking, hitting using all of your willpower to escape.

Click. You look up. Fuck.

A gun is pointed to your head. You stop breathing and went still, staring at the gun.

"Try moving again and I'll fucking pull the trigger princess, don't even try me."

Did these people know you were there yesterday night? You are so incredibly scared. Your thoughts stopped when he put a cloth over your nose.

Darkness surrounded you.

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