It's almost six and Harry is waiting outside the coffee shop.
He decided to wear a purple and white button up shirt, with a jacket with some fur around the neck, because it was kind of chilly, with black skinny jeans and his Chelsea boots.
At exactly six he sees Bailey running up the street.
'Hey.' Bailey smiles.
'Sorry I'm late.'
'You're right on time actually.' Harry says as he opens the door for Baliley and they walk into the coffee shop.
They order their coffees and sit at one of the tables by the window.
'Your friends are nice.'
Bailey says.
'The boys? Yeah, they're like family.'
'How long have you known them?'
'I've known Louis since I was sixteen, around seventeen when I met the others.'
'You seem really close with Louis.'
'Yeah, we're best friends. But, the people we work for were afraid what people would think, so, I guess you could say, we're not allowed to be that close. They went so far with it that they even gave us fake girlfriends as a cover up.'
'That's stupid.'
'Fake girlfriends? Are you gay?'
'Bisexual. I guess, I dunno, it's confusing sometimes.'
'This is personal, I'm sorry.'
'It's okay. I can never really talk about this, you know, so it's good to get it off my chest.'
'You do realize you're making confessions to a teenage boy, right?' Bailey giggles and Harry laughs.
'How old are you?'
'I'm twenty, so this isn't weird.'
'You know what's weird.'
'You're drinking coffee with your look alike.'
Harry laughs, 'It's not that weird.'
Bailey gives Harry a look.
'What?' Harry giggles.
'Drinking coffee with your look alike isn't weird? I mean, it's like talking into a mirror.'
'But at least you're replying.'
'That's true.' Bailey smiles.
It's silent for a few seconds.
Harry moves a piece of Bailey's hair out of his face and tucks it behind his ear, then runs his finger over his cheek, making Bailey blush.
'You know, Bailey, I don't- I don't see you as my look alike. I see you as Bailey, the tall boy with the long brown hair, and the beautiful green eyes, who was kind enough to pick me up when I was clumsy.'
'Beautiful green eyes?'
'Sorry, that was weird.'
'Not at all.'
Bailey's hand is right next to Harry's on the table, and Harry keeps touching his hand, then finally Bailey places his hand ontop of Harry's.
Their hands are the same size, and they fit perfectly.
'I like you, a lot. Not like a friend, but- god, this's getting weird again.'
'Harry, if I thought this was weird, I would've told you.' Bailey reassures Harry as he rubs his thumb on Harry's wrist.
'I like you too, you know.'
Bailey smiles.
It's quiet for a few seconds until Harry suddenly says,
'Let's get outta here. We can walk around a little.'
'That sounds great.' Bailey smiles as they get up from their seats and grab their coats and coffee and leave the coffee shop together.
While they're walking Bailey takes Harry to a park, there's a long walkway with flowers that lead to a huge fountain.
The sun reflects on the fountain, making it look yellow and orange.
They sit by the fountain and watch the sunset together.
They are sitting close, their shoulders are touching, and so are their hands, Harry's pinkie finger keeps touching Bailey's.
They're not sure if they should hold hands.
Would it be weird?
Then finally Bailey takes Harry's hand in his, and Harry looks at him and smiles, his dimples showing.
They look beeply into each other's eyes, green meeting green.
Harry starts to slowly lean in, hesitant, not sure if he should make a move or not.
Bailey is seventeen, Harry is twenty, it's only three years, that's not a bad thing, Harry thinks.
Bailey begins to lean in too.
Until finally, their lips meet.
Harry places his hand on the back of Bailey's head, pulling him in closer, deepening the kiss.
The kiss is slow and passionate, it's not hot and messy, their lips move together in perfect unison.
Harry opens his eyes only for a second, he sees the beautiful figure in front of him, Bailey, his eyes are closed, his hair falling just right, and the sunset shining on half of his face.
This is perfect, Harry thinks as he closes his eyes.
Bailey wraps his arms around Harry's shoulders and holds him tightly.
Harry presses his forehead to Bailey's as they catch their breath, they look deeply into each other's eyes and smile.
Harry cups Bailey's cheek in his hand and runs his finger over his cheek.
Harry pulls Bailey in again and continues their kiss.
They make out for a few more minutes, they can't keep away, it's like they're addicted to each other, and can't get enough.
Harry wraps an arm around Bailey and holds him close, while Bailey lays his head on Harry's shoulder.
Harry runs his fingers through Bailey's hair, and twirls it around his finger.
'Thank you.' Harry says.
'For what?' Bailey asks as he looks up at Harry.
'This. All of this.' Harry smiles, as he pulls Bailey in closer and kisses his forehead.
Soon after it gets dark, they walk back to the hotel together.
They hold hands this time.
It's not awkward, because their hands fit just perfectly.
They get back to the hotel and Bailey walks Harry up to the room.
'Bailey, I'm not comfortable with you walking home by yourself, in the dark. We have an extra room here, you can tell your parents and-'
'Harry, is this an invitation for me to stay?' Bailey smirks.
'Yeah, Maybe.'
Bailey pushes Harry up against the hotel room door, attaching his lips to his again, while Harry blindly takes out the key and unlocks the door, he opens the door and Bailey pushes him up against the wall next to the door.
Bailey is strong.
He has Harry pinned up against the wall, holding his wrists above his head.
Suddenly, they hear an awkward cough from the other side of the room.
They both look to see Liam and Niall, still dressed in their golf uniforms, sitting around in the main room.
Louis must be in the shower.
'Uh, you're back early.' Harry says as Bailey releases his grip on him.
'Why're you back so early?'
Harry asks.
'Why're you back so late?'
Niall asks.
'Did you have a good time?'
Liam asks.
'Obviously.' Niall whispers.
'Uh, yeah. Yeah we did.'
Harry smiles at Bailey.
Bailey turns to Harry and says,
'I really wish I could stay, but I have to go.'
'Are you sure?'
'Okay, but I'm walking you home.'
Harry gets back at the hotel late, the boys are still sitting around, they've gotten changed since Harry left, they're all in pajamas now, it's kinda cute.
Harry sits on the arm of one of the chairs.
'So, how'd it go?!' Louis asks, poking at Harry's side.
'You didn't see, did you?' Niall asks.
'No, what?'
'You were in the shower.' Liam says, 'You missed it.'
'Missed what?! I want to know.'
'It went very well.' Liam winks.
'Oh, god.' Louis laughs, 'Did you get a little show?'
'We did. Harry's look alike had him pinned on the wall.' Niall says.
Harry starts blushing,
'Uh, I'm gonna go shower.' Harry says as he gets up and walks into the bathroom.
As he gets in the bathroom he takes off his coat, something falls out of the pocket.
It's a piece of paper.
Harry picks it up and written on one side is Bailey's number, the other side is the logo for the coffee shop.
Harry didn't even notice Baileywrote it down, or slipped it into his pocket.
After Harry showers him and the boys stay up talking for a little while, then they decide to go to bed.
Harry can't sleep that night, he just lays there awake, staring at the ceiling.
And all he can think about is Bailey.
How he looked, just perfect.
His hair was just right, his dark green eyes and the way they shined in the sunset.
His lips, his lips on Harry's, the way he tasted.
It was just perfect.
After a while, Harry finally drifts to sleep, dreaming about Bailey.
When Harry wakes up the next morning he's holding onto one of his pillows and finds himself mumbling Bailey.
Once Harry is fully awake, he sits up in bed and runs his fingers through his messy hair, then stretches his arms out and yawns.
He picks up his phone off of the bedside table and checks the time, it's 9:57.
He quickly goes into his contacts to text Bailey, but, he has no idea what to say.
He thinks for a few minutes, then finally types a message and hits send.

Harry: < Goodmorning <3 >

Bailey: < Harry? >

Harry: < Course! ;) >

Bailey: < I had a great time with you last night, want to hang out again tonight? >
< If you're not busy. >

Harry: < I'm not busy today. I'd lovee to see you again <3 >

Bailey: < When? >

Harry: < Around six. You can meet me at the hotel. >

Bailey: < We should go to the park again. >

Harry: < I'd love to! <3 >

Bailey: < Cool! I'll see you then!>

Harry: < Can't wait! >
Harry puts on his robe and walks out of his bedroom, into the kitchen and makes a cup of tea, smiling from ear to ear.
Liam is the only one up.
'Why're you so happy?' Liam asks.
'Because.' Harry smiles.
'Oh god it's not another one of your, 'All the love' days is it?'
'What is it?'
'Bailey wants to see me again.'
Harry smiles as he sits down on the sofa in the main room.
'He's meeting me here then we're going to the park.'
'Yeah, there's a nice little park not too far from the coffee shop. It has a huge fountain in the middle with lots of flowers.'
'That sound very romantic.'
'Yeah.' Harry smiles as he takes a sip of his tea.
'Wait, what happened there last night?'
Harry blushes, 'Um, well, after we left the coffee shop Bailey took me there and we watched the sunset by the fountain, then we, uh, kissed.'
'Yeah, I could tell it went well by the way you two walked in here last night, or rather, crashed into the hotel room during a heated make out, last night.'
'Well, I didn't know you were back from golfing yet!'
'It was ten o'clock!'
'Oh.' Harry says as he sits back on the couch and sips his tea.
They sit in silence while Harry finishes his tea.
As Harry is walking out into the kitchen to set his cup in the sink, Niall walks out of one of the bedrooms, stretching his arms and yawning.
'There better be tea.' Niall says as he sees Harry in the kitchen.
'Goodmorning, Niall!' Harry grins and hugs Niall, 'There's still tea, I'll make you a cup.'
'Uh, what the- did I miss something? Liam!'
'What's with Harry?'
'You ask him.'
Niall turns to Harry.
'So, you're, happy today.'
'Yeah.' Harry smiles.
'Bailey.' Harry sighs happily.
'Oh my god.'
'He wants to see me again, tonight.'
Harry says as he hands Niall his cup of tea.
'Thanks.' Niall smiles as he takes the tea, 'So, are you still 'hanging out' or is it a date?'
Harry shrugs, 'I don't know, and I don't care, because I love being with him.'
'Oh my god.' Niall and Liam both say, Liam in the other room.
'I'll see ya later, I'm going to pick my outfit.' Harry smiles then pretty much skips out of the room and walks past Louis who is walking out of one of the bedrooms.
'Goodmorning, Lou!' Harry smiles.
Louis walks into the main room, 'Why's he so happy?'
Louis leans on the back of the sofa where Niall and Liam are sitting
'Bailey.' Niall says.
'You know what Harry reminds me of today?' Liam asks.
'Elf when he fell in love with that girl.'
'I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!' Louis says, mimicking the movie.
They all start laughing uncontrollably.

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