Harry is dressed for his date with Bailey and is about to leave, it's almost six.
He's wearing his gold shirt with black jeans and his Chelsea boots.
'You should wear a jacket, it looks like it's going to rain.' Liam says.
'Alright.' Harry groans as he walks back into the bedroom and grabs a coat.
He walks out and throws it over his shoulder.
'See ya!' Harry says as he walks out the door.
'Have fun!' Niall says.
Harry walks down the hallway to the lift and rides it down to the first floor.
He walks out of the lobby and through the door, he walks out just in time to see Bailey.
'Hey.' Harry smiles.
'Hey. Um, wow, you look, great.'
'Thanks.' Harry blushes as they start walking to the park together.
They get to the park and they walk the long pathway, looking at the flowers.
Harry is bending over smelling some.
'Hey Harry, turn around.'
Bailey says.
Harry stands up and turns around, Bailey puts a flower in his hair and giggles.
Harry smiles, then sweeps Bailey off of his feet and holds him bridal style in his arms.
Bailey sqeaks as Harry lifts him up, he wraps his arms tightly around Harry's shoulders.
'It's okay, I'm not going to let you fall.' Harry smiles, then presses his forehead to Bailey's, 'I'll never let you fall.'
Bailey pulls Harry in and kisses him, short and sweet.
After the kiss, Harry sets Bailey down.
'Come on, over here.' Harry says motioning to the fountain.
'We'll watch the sunset again.'
Harry and Bailey sit at the fountain and watch as the sun slowly starts to go down.
Harry wraps his arm around Bailey's shoulders and Bailey lays his head on Harry's shoulder.
'I love this, you know.' Bailey says.
'I know,' Harry smiles, 'I do too.'
Harry kisses Bailey's head.
Harry feels a drop of water fall on the tip of his nose.
He looks up at the sky, there's another drop, then another.
'S✨.' Harry says.
'What is it?' Bailey asks, looking at Harry.
'It's raining.'
Harry looks at Bailey and realizes he doesn't have a coat.
'You don't have a coat?'
'No, I forgot one.'
'Here, take mine.' Harry says as he wraps his coat around Bailey's shoulders.
'What about you?'
'I'll be fine.' Harry smiles, 'Now come on, we better go before it gets worse.'
They start walking down the pathway, then Harry stops, he remembers he's always wanted a romantic kiss in the rain.
What better time to do it than now? He thinks.
'Why'd you stop' Bailey asks.
'There's something I've always wanted to do.'
Harry pulls Bailey in and kisses him, slowly and passionately.
Bailey wraps his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him in closer as Harry cups Bailey's face in his hands, while their lips move together in perfect unison as the rain pours down over them.
Harry presses his forehead to Bailey's and they both smile.
'That. I've always wanted to do that.' Harry smiles.
'You're quite the romantic aren't you?' Bailey teases as they start to walk away.
'Somedays.' Harry laughs.
They get back to the hotel after running through the rain for the fifteen minute walk from the park to the hotel.
Harry insists Bailey stays the night with them at the hotel, since they have an extra room and it's raining too hard out.
Bailey uses the shower and Harry gives him a pair of his pajamas to wear for the night, since Bailey's other clothes were wet.
Harry shows Bailey to his room,
'If you need anything my room's right next to yours.' Harry says.
'Okay.' Bailey smiles as he walks in the bedroom.
'Goodnight.' Harry smiles.
Harry begins to close the door but Bailey stops him.
'Wait.' Bailey says as he walks over to Harry, then pulls him in for a kiss.
'Goodnight.' Bailey says.
Harry closes the door.
Bailey gets into bed and soon falls asleep, but only sleeps for a couple of hours, he wakes up at one and can't fall back to sleep.
He gets out of bed and walks out into the kitchen, to get a glass of water.
'Can't sleep?'
He hears Harry ask.
Bailey jumps, then turns to see Harry standing in the hallway on the other side of the room.
'You scared me.' Bailey laughs, 'No, I can't sleep, too cold.'
Harry walks over to Bailey and presses a hand to his cheek.
'You're freezing, look at you, you're shivering. Come here.' Harry says as he pulls Bailey into his arms.
'Better now?'
'Yeah. You're warm.'
Harry kisses the top of Bailey's head.
'Now, what were you looking for?'
'I was getting a glass of water.'
'How about a cup of tea instead? It will help you sleep. And, it will keep you warm.'
'That sounds nice, actually.'
Harry makes them both a cup of tea, then they walk into the main room and sit on the sofa together.
'Is it okay?' Harry asks.
'It's great.' Bailey smiles.
Harry sits on the sofa and Bailey curls up into him and lays his head on Harry's shoulder.
They sit in silence togeter as they drink their tea, after they finish, Harry takes the cups into the kitchen and puts them in the sink.
'Are you going back to bed?'
Harry asks as he sees Bailey getting up from the sofa.
'Yeah. I'm tired now.' Bailey says as he stretches his arms.
They walk out of the the main room and down the hallway to the bedrooms.
'Goodnight.' Harry says as he starts to shut Bailey's door.
Bailey stops him.
'Stay.' Bailey says as he looks at Harry, with a sort of need in his eyes.
'Of course I'll stay if you want me to.' Harry smiles at Bailey then walks into the room and shuts the door behind him.
Bailey gets into bed and Harry gets in next to him.
Bailey lays his head on Harry's chest and mumbles sleepily,
Harry wraps his arms around him.
'Goodnight.' Harry whispers then kisses Bailey's head.
Harry runs his fingers through Bailey's long hair as he slowly drifts off to sleep to the sound of Harry's heartbeat.
Their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, holding each other close as if it was a normal thing, to fall asleep in each other's arms, like they've done it every night.
Harry watches as Bailey's chest rises and falls with each breath, his lips slightly parted and his eyes closed.
As Harry watches Bailey sleep he wonders if it feels like he's been treating him too much like a child.
Harry smiles as he realizes, he's not treating him like a child, he's just protecting him. Bailey is so young, and Harry feels like he has to protect him.
From what?
He doesn't know.
He just knows he has to keep his beautiful young boyfriend safe.
Boyfriend. Harry smiles as he thinks.
It's the first time he's thought of Bailey as his boyfriend.
He liked that.
The next morning, Harry is the first to wake up, he opens his eyes to see Bailey still sound asleep on his chest.
Harry smiles then kisses Bailey's head as he intertwines their fingers.
Harry loves the way their hands fit together, like they truly are two puzzle pieces.
With his other hand, Harry traces his fingers over Bailey's shoulder and upper arm, then through his hair.
Harry quietly starts to hum,
'Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this in mind, it was meant to be, and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me.'
Harry traces his finger over Bailey's cheek and watches as a smile forms over Bailey's lips and he slowly opens his eyes.
'Goodmorning.' He says sleepily.
'Goodmorning.' Harry smiles.
'How long have you been awake?'
'Just a few minutes. Did you sleep well?'
'Actually, I don't think I've ever slept better.' Bailey says as he traces his fingers over Harry's arm, that is wrapped around him, then intertwines their fingers again, 'You talk in your sleep, you know.' Bailey giggles and Harry laughs with him.
'I wish we could stay right here, just like this, forever.' Bailey says.
'Me too.'
'We've only known each other four days.' Bailey smiles, 'Now look at us.'
'I'm suprised you like me, after I embarrassed myself in front of you by falling on my arse.'
'Don't worry about it, it was cute.'
Bailey pokes Harry's dimple, making Harry smile more, if that's even possible.
Harry he pulls Bailey ontop of him and kisses him passionately.
Bailey presses his forehead to Harry's and smiles between deep breaths.
'I don't think I'll ever get tired of that.'
'Of what?'
'You just grabbing me and kissing me like the world is about to end.'
'It's my indescribable love for you.'
'For me? What about me?'
'Everything. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the sound of your voice when you're happy, the way you flick your hair, the deep green of your eyes, and the way you melt into every kiss, every touch.'
Bailey giggles and blushes.
'That, is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.'
Bailey looks up at Harry and smiles.
'There's more.'
'How about you shut up so I can kiss you again.' Bailey says as he pulls Harry in for another kiss.
Harry pulls Bailey in as close as he can get, deepening their passionate kiss.
Harry slips his hands under the back of Bailey's shirt, feeling his skin.
'Your hands are cold.' Bailey breathes and Harry laughs, then pulls Bailey back in.
Bailey pulls on the waist of Harry's shirt, lifting it a little, then feels the skin of his tattooed hips.
Suddenly they hear a knock, on Harry's door in the room next to them, and a yell from Niall, he thinks Harry's in that room.
'Get up Harry! Liam's making breakfast!'
The hotel has very thin walls.
A few seconds later there's a light knock on Bailey's door, where Harry really is, with Bailey.
'Bailey. Liam is making breakfast, if you're hungry.'
Then they hear footsteps walking away.
'So much for forever.' Harry sighs.
They kiss one more time, short and sweet, then sit up in bed.
They fix their shirts and put their hair into place.
'That song you were singing, what was it?'
Harry leans over and moves some of Bailey's hair out of his face then traces his fingers over his cheek,
'Little Things.' He smiles.
'I like it.' Bailey smiles then leans in and kisses Harry.
Harry and Bailey walk out of the bedroom and down the short hallway that leads into the main room and the open kitchen, which is only separated from the main room by a bar.
'Bailey, I trust you like pancakes right?'
Liam asks.
Bailey nods, 'I do.'
'Good.' Liam smiles as he continues to cook the pancakes.
'You two slept late.' Niall says, he's sitting at the bar with Louis, drinking tea.
'Just tired.' Harry says as he stretches his arms, 'Bailey, I'm making a cup of tea, would you like some?' Harry asks as he walks over to the kettle, already filled with water and still steaming.
'Sure.' Bailey replies.
Harry makes them both a cup of tea, he walks back over and hands Bailey his cup.
They all jump as Liam yells,
'Okay, boys! Pancakes are done! Grab your plates and line up!'
'Yessir!' Harry teases and salutes.
After they eat, they're all full and tired.
'I'm tired.' Harry says, 'I think we'll go lie down for a little while.'
'Okay, you need rest before the show tonight.' Liam says as he cleans up the dishes.
Harry and Bailey walk back into the bedroom. Harry's bedroom.
Harry lays down in bed and Bailey curls up next to him.
'You have a show tonight?' He asks.
'Yeah. Then tomorrow we go to the next town, and spend a few days there.'
'Good. So I can still see you, right? You'll be close?' Bailey asks, a bit of worry in his voice.
'I will.' Harry smiles at Bailey.
'But, then what?'
'I-I don't know.' Harry holds Bailey closer, 'But, we can find a way, I promise.' Harry kisses Bailey's head.
Bailey intertwines his fingers with Harry's hand that is wrapped around his waist as Harry runs his fingers through Bailey's hair, slolwy, and twirling it around his fingers.
Harry never thought of what would happen after they leave.
He has no idea what to do now.
Their hearts will break, but there's nothing he can do.
And if Management finds out, it will be even worse, Harry dating a teenage boy, Management would turn this heaven into hell.
But Harry will make sure that doesn't happen, he promised himself he would protect Bailey, and he will.
Because he loves him.
Harry notices Bailey has fallen asleep, he watches him quietly as he's still running his fingers through Bailey's long hair.
What did he do to ever deserve someone so sweet?
Harry thinks.
There's so much he wants to tell Bailey, but he doesn't have enough courage to say them.
He knows Bailey feels safe in his arms, by the way he falls asleep so quickly in them, Harry makes him feel safe.
Harry doesn't want to leave this spot.
He wants to stay right here with Bailey in his arms, forever.
'I love you.' Harry whispers then kisses Bailey's forehead, 'I will always love you, no matter what.'

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