Chapter 2 : An Unexpected Guest

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--- Julie's POV ---

"It's alright mom everything is fine here", a sobbing sound could be heard from the other side of the phone. While still sobbing, she wouldn't stop talking about her concerns on having her daughter living faraway from her side. With groceries and a purse on my hand, I focused on walking to my car which was pretty far on the corner of the supermarket's parking lot. I'm on regret right now on why did I park my car there and not near the entrance door like the hell why. Mother was still worried so she won't stop on overflowing me with her worriness. Poor dad probably had to handle her paranoia, reassuring her that I will be fine, everyday.

Ever since I moved out from my parent's house a week ago, my mother wouldn't stop bickering about how it could be unsafe to live alone by myself. Can't blame her I guess, since I decided to move to a small town faraway from my hometown, that people never heard of. Sometimes I wonder maybe if I moved to a more known city my mother wouldn't be as worried as now.

But when I first laid my eyes on this town, I couldn't help but to be mermerised by the nature beauty that had this mysterious vibe, surrounding the town. As a freelance illustrator, I think this town suits me a lot.

I was so happy when I found a house for rent here, although it was pretty faraway from the centre of the town. It was fine for me though, with the location being more surrounded by nature itself than towering building I felt more relaxed. Besides, the house was already decorated and furnished aesthetically that what I only need to worry about is my personal stuffs. The wolf and other wild animals paintings decorating the house are pleasant to see as well.

"Just be extra careful okay dear? I heard there could be thieves or ...", mother remained silent for a moment, until she gulped, terrified. "Molester you know..", rolling my eyes, I huffed at her ridiculousness. "Mother I think you're just being paranoid right now", I scoffed as I readjust the groceries bag that felt like it could fall off my hand at any time. "But okay I'll be extra careful alright?", reassuring my mom, I noticed the dark sky and water droplets that had started to poured down pretty suddenly.


"Alright sweety, it's just that I missed you so much and I'm still not used with not having you around, what if something happen to you?", sadness could be heard from her voice as she said that. "Mother it's only been around a week". Decided to run before my whole clothes and groceries got soaked. The light rain had been pouring heavier and heavier the seconds it passed. Finally reached my car, I opened my purse looking for the car key, which somehow had decided to hide away from my grip today.

"Everything is going to be alright mom I promise, if anything ever happened to me I'll call you okay", still couldn't find that key anywhere, I finally reached to that level where I just rummaged my purse pretty roughly and desperately.

"It's raining while I'm still outside so I have to go now. I'll call you again later okay, I love you", although mom was going to protest, she decided to talk again later and finally ending the phone with a single thud. As I can finally entirely focused on my purse, I rummaged the my already messy stuffs in my purse and finally found that stupid car key.

Goodness where have you been.

I quickly unlocked my red compact SUV car, followed with beep sound, and went in for saving my groceries and nearly-soaked clothes. Goodness its freezing. As I started the engine, I watch the melancholy gray sky, still pouring it's content down to earth.

Seriously, there can't be such thing as thief or even worse,molester here, right?

Finally arrived at home, I parked my trusty car on the parking lot just beside the house. The rain had become heavier by the time I arrived. I took my black colored umbrella from the seat on the back and grabbed my purse. Rummaging my poor purse again, I found the key to my house and sighed. Why does it have to rain so hard today, good thing I haven't put my laundry on the drying rack. Carefully went out from the car with my grocery and purse on left hand, and umbrella and keys on my right hand, I walked and finally reached the balcony. With roof finally above my head, I closed the umbrella.

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