>See what the other moirails are doing.

20 2 1

You are now Eren again.

You sit down on the edge of the highest point of your house, which is halfway towards the first gate. From here you have a better view of your land. There a lot of steep mountains, and somewhere in the distance you can hear the sounds of screams. Momsprite has been helping you squish imps, and you have climbed several rungs on the echeladder. Also, Mikasa is pestering you.

>Eren: Answer message.

-- stressedChaperone [SC] started pestering cholericBastard [CB] at she's in the medium now --

SC: Eren
SC: I'm in the medium now
CB: Thats cool
SC: So is Armin
CB: Thats also cool
SC: Also he's onto you
CB: About the crush thing?
SC: I think all he knows is that it's a guy in our session
CB: For fucks sake Armin why
CB: I just want to tell him myself, you know?
CB: Its kind of like with past you and past me
CB: Or with present you and MA
SC: What
SC: There is nothing red between MA and I
SC: What we have is purely caliginous
SC: Why would you even think I was remotely interested in her
SC: Besides she already has a boyfriend
CB: Whatever you say.
SC: Look anyway have you played around with the punch designx yet
CB: Whats that?
SC: The thing I just deployed next to you

>Eren: Inspect punch designx.

You take a look at the machine that just appeared next to you.

CB: So it's something to do with codes and items?
SC: Yeah I guess so

You play around with it for a bit to figure out what it does. It looks like you can punch the cards in your sylladex, or type in other codes or something, and then maybe build them with the totem lathe and alchemiter? You're actually a lot better at this whole figuring things out business than you thought.

Considering that you don't really need to use your sylladex (it's mostly filled with random crap anyway) you decide to try and create new items by messing around with the codes.

>Eren: Create jetpack.

You can't do that. For starters, you don't have the code for a jetpack, and you don't really have enough build grist to make something that big.

Although that would make getting between the punch designx and the rest of the machines infinitely easier.


SC: Maybe you could combine the sword with something
SC: To make it more powerful
CB: Like what?
SC: I don't know a hair straightener or something
CB: I don't have one of those.
CB: But that would be pretty cool though.
SC: Wait I'm being pestered by someone
SC: Im going to answer this message
CB: Okay, I'll just kill some imps in the meantime I guess.

>Mikasa: Answer message.

Oh great, just the person you wanted to hear from.

-- melancholyAbsconder [MA] started pestering stressedChaperone [SC] at again, time doesn't really matter --

MA: so
MA: are you in the medium yet
SC: Why do you care
MA: can t antagonise you if you re dead
SC: Well I'm talking to you so I'm not dead
MA: that s good i suppose
SC: So was this just to see if I'm dead or not
MA: yes
MA: say hello to your friends for me

She's such a huge bitch, ugh.

Yet at the same time, her appearance does make you feel - something. Relief?


No - it can't be true! You don't like-like her! You can't! Can you?

Great, that's going to haunt you for the rest of the game now.

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