Sum it up

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Once upon a time there was this dude named Francisco born in a middle-class family

He was well known for being attractive and flawless

But then there was this girl named Caitlin who is born uncool and deaf but she uses sign language as a substitution of speaking WORDS.

It all started when they were kids, they study in the same school same class but sometimes Caitlin just feels like she's in the wrong Day at the wrong time at the wrong place. 

They were seatmates, but nevertheless, because of Caitlin's disability, Cisco feels uncomfortable being right next to her because when she gets mocked and always talked about was just making Cisco just feels extremely uncomfortable, but then when Cisco notices Cait's great kindness and morality. He started feeling a bit more comfortable day by day until he felt like he wanna actually talk to Caitlin. So then he suddenly tried talking to Caitlin but then remembers she was deaf so he started writing in papers saying "HELLO YOU'RE NOT BLIND ARE YOU?", Cisco wrote.

But suddenly Caitlin didn't saw the paper 

Cisco felt uncomfortable 

but that doesn't stop him from his urge to talk to Caitlin 

After a few minutes, Caitlin noticed then she wrote,

    To be continued......

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