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Everyone in the TARDIS was asleep except for Ten and Eleven who were in the console room trying to figure out who had taken him. Clara was sleeping peacefully in the bed when she heard her name being called, but the voice wasn't coming from anyone who was currently on the TARDIS, it was Twelve's voice.
"Clara?" Clara opened her eyes and sat upright in the bed, looking around the room,
"Use your mind, think" She heard him whisper to her, even though he wasn't anywhere on the TARDIS. She scratched her temple before getting up, she put her heeled boots on and left the bedroom, walking to the console room. She walked into the room and walked up to the second level where all of the Doctor's books were kept,
"Clara? What're you doing up?" Ten asked as he noticed the shorter woman looking through the book shelves. She turned around and started walking down the stairs before noticing something out the corner of her eye, she walked back up the stairs and looked at it, it was a blackboard with her name on it.

"Who wrote this?" She asked Ten and Eleven, they looked at each other and shrugged,
"It's not my handwriting" Ten said,
"Nor mine" Eleven told her. She grabbed the eraser and erased the name, but as she did so another word appeared, it read the word 'Think' Ten and Eleven got up from the floor and walked over to the bottom of the stairs,
"Okay, that is strange" Eleven said, rubbing his hands together. Clara erased the word to see yet another one appeared,
'Use' It read this time, Clara ran the eraser over it again,
'Your' She stared at it before erasing it once more.
"'Use your mind'? What does that mean?" Eleven asked, Ten shrugged, Clara put the eraser down and walked down the stairs.
"Use your mind? Use your mind? Use your...mind" Clara repeated to herself, she grinned, figuring out what it meant.

"I know what it means. The Doctor, my Doctor, was sending a message to me. 'Use your mind' he's telling me-" She stopped mid sentence, walking over to the telepathic circuit,
"To use the telepathic circuit" She finished her sentence, looking at Ten and Eleven,
"It's worth a try" Ten said.
"How do you even use this telepathic circuit, because it's not like mine" Eleven asked,
"You need to take the brakes off first" Clara stated, Ten flipped the brakes off. Everyone came into the console room, waking up from them talking,
"Did you figure it out?" Rory yawned,
"Possibly" Ten said to him.
"I need, I need, what I need is...for everyone to be as quiet as possible, so that I can think" Clara said, looking at everyone, everyone nodded, a few raised their eyebrows at her but nodded nonetheless.

Clara took a deep breath in and placed her hands into the telepathic circuit, she breathed out before closing her eyes. She thought about the Doctor and nothing but the Doctor,
"What is she doing?" Jack whispered to Ten,
"Using the telepathic circuit" Ten whispered back to him, he nodded his head and stayed quiet. The TARDIS took off and Ten and Eleven looked up at the roof, watching as the rims that had Gallifreyan written on them turn around slowly, they grinned and looked back at Clara who still had her eyes shut tightly. The TARDIS landed and Eleven put the brakes on, Clara slowly opened her eyes, looking around and removing her hands from the circuit,
"Did it work?" She asked, Eleven looked at the screen,
"Well we're definitely somewhere" Eleven said, looking at Clara, she nodded her head and ran back to the bedroom, grabbing the sonic sunglasses and returning back to the console room.

Clara clicked her fingers and the door opened, she ran to the door before looking behind her, everyone else was still standing there not knowing what to do,
"Well come on" Clara said to them,
"Clara, we think it's best that you go alone" Ten said to her,
"Because, as you keep saying, he's your Doctor, I'm sure seeing all of us again would hurt" Eleven said sadly, looking at the ground.
"Yeah, sure, that makes sense" Clara took in a deep breath,
"See you when I get back" She said before leaving the TARDIS, she closed the door behind her and cautiously walked down the empty corridors. She held tightly to her necklace that had her mother's ring on it, holding onto it for strength,
"Let me be brave" She whispered, taking in a deep breath,
"Let me be brave" She breathed out.

Clara opened the door at the end of the corridor and walked into the small room. In the corner the Doctor was sitting on a chair tied up he looked up at her and widened his eyes,
"Clara?" He asked, not really believing that she found him, she walked over and began to untie him,
"Clara don't, it's a trap" He told her, looking up at her. The door opened and a dalek came into the room, Clara quickly untied him and he got up, standing in front of her, the Doctor closed his eyes shut, bracing for the shot, but nothing happened, instead the dalek powered down. The Doctor opened his eyes and looked at it before looking at Clara, they both raised an eyebrow before Mickey popped out from behind it,
"Did you really think we'd send you in alone?" Mickey grinned, looking at Clara,
"Mickey?" The Doctor's eyes widened, he nodded before pulling the dalek out of the room.

"What're you doing here?" The Doctor asked, walking over to him,
"Well, Clara here found us, asking for help" Mickey told him, Martha ran up to Mickey, a giant gun in hand,
"Corridor clear. Hello Doctor" Martha told Mickey before smiling at the Doctor.
"Martha?! Mickey?! We've got a problem!" Jack yelled from another room, Martha, Mickey, Clara and Twelve ran to the other room to see Jack, River and Eleven surrounded by daleks, Mickey and Martha looked at one another before firing at the daleks, destroying them after a few hits.
"I must say Doctor, I like the new body" Jack winked at Twelve,
"Did you do this Clara?" Twelve asked, looking down at her, she nodded, smiling widely.
"Where're the others?" Clara asked,
"This way" River said, leading them out the room and down the corridor.

They entered a much larger room where Ten, Rose, Amy and Rory were. Twelve looked to the corner to see that Ten and Rose had cornered Missy.
"No don't! Don't shoot her!" Twelve said to Ten and Rose, they turned their heads to look at him,
"Told you I was rebelling" Ten said to Rose,
"Shut up about that" Rose told him, Ten frowned as Twelve walked over to them.
"You see Missy, this is what happens when you try to capture me, my friends and...past selves, come to my rescue. So you can't just kidnap me whenever you get lonely or bored, because Clara Oswald, will always find me" Twelve said to Missy, the start of his sentence he said angrily and through the sentence he got less angry.

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