Mettaton and Papyrus Part 1

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      Papyrus could not be happier with life. He had been married to his beloved husband for two years that very day. Papyrus had been filled with so much happiness that sometimes he thought he'd explode, and he could tell Mettaton sometimes felt like that to. Mettaton had even gotten him a permanent position in his cooking show which was know called Cooking with a Star and Skeleton. Papyrus and Mettaton balanced each other out in the show, Papyrus taught him how to be less murdery while Mettaton showed him how to cook more then just spaghetti.

      It had been a long day of filming, they had just had supper, but Mettaton was really starting to look warn down like he had a lot recently. "I think it's time we head to bed dearest." Mettaton responded in a low voice, "Just because I need to plug in for the night does not mean you have to come right away too Papy Darling." Papyrus almost took offence to that. "but where ever you go, I want to go with you." As they walked upstairs together.

      Mettaton took off his shoulder pads and switched his robotic high heels for robotic feet, which were a gift from Doctor Alphys. Papyrus took off his battle armour and switched it for a comfy t-shirt and shorts. Mettaton got under the blankets and plugged in,it would take a few minutes for him to shut down completely and that was usually the best part. Papyrus snuggled in close, or as close to snuggling as a metal robot and skeleton could get, and whispered, "I love you," five times for Mettaton to hear. Then they got comfortable for a good night sleep.

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