A Work In Progress

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                I squint at my clock beside my bed, refusing to believe the time it displays. After a few seconds of the time not changing, realization sets in that I’m going to be late. I fly out of bed and into my closet.

                I call Travis over the intercom while hopping around my room, trying to get my pants up my legs.

                “Hey, can you ask Maria to go ahead and pack my lunch? I’m running behind this morning. I’ll just grab a muffin on my way out.”

                “Of course, Miss Evitts, I’ll go ahead and have them bring out your car. Will you be driving the Buick today?” Travis questions.

                I pull my fitted, dark t-shirt over my head before scrambling to push the button on the receiver.

                “I’ll just take the Harley, like always.”

                “It’s chilly out today, Miss,” the middle-aged butler says.

                “I’ll wear a jacket,” I reason while reaching for the brush on my dresser beside the intercom.

                Travis sighs, “I’ll tell them to pull it out of the garage. You have about fifteen minutes to get to school.”

                “Perfect, I’ll be down in a few minutes,” I finally rush to the bathroom connected to my room and quickly cover my eyes with dark makeup.  

                I grab my boots from my closet and book it down the stairs as fast as I can. I round the corner and hustle into the kitchen. I grab a muffin off the edge of the counter and shove it into my mouth before Maria, the family cook, can protest my lack of breakfast.

            “Jade, you must eat more breakfast,” She says with her Spanish accent. “I pack you lunch,” She sets a brown paper bag in front of me in the counter while I pull on my boots.

            “Thank you,” I mutter through my muffin.

            “I really wish you would wear the nice clothes your mother buys you,” Travis says as he enters the room. “You have eight minutes, Miss.” I swallow the remainder of my muffin

            “Bye,” I call as I jog out to my bike, pulling on my leather jacket. I put my helmet on while the Harley roars to life.

            “Thank you!” I call to our valet as I drive down to the end of the gated driveway. Usually I would drive through the run down part of town but that would add about five minutes to my driving time.

            The warning bell rings just as I enter the school doors.

            “Jade! I didn’t think you were gonna make it!” Tessa said when I plop my bag next to the desk beside her.

            “Me neither,” I sit up on the desk sideways with my feet in the chair.

            “Hey, what did you get for number two in last night’s math homework?” I ask, opening my folder to search for my work.

            “No Jade, you’re a junior in AP Calculus which is a class for seniors. I’m a junior in Algebra II which is a class for sophomores. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Face it girl, you’re a freaking genius. How are we even friends?’”

A Work In ProgressWhere stories live. Discover now