chapter i

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"don't laugh, collette. please? i really want to post this on youtube but i'm not too sure if anyone's going to like -" james starts, tapping at his guitar.

"of course they're going to like it. you say that about every single song you've written and just look at you. you've got like, what 10,000 views ." james cringes at my use of like and what in the same sentence. he looks down at his bare feet. "just play me the damn song."

his fingers dance along the fretboard of his guitar. he begins to sing an upbeat song which i assume was called move my way. three minutes later, james' hopeful face is a few inches away from mine.

"did you like it then?" he shyly asks. "i guess i could call it move my way, you know if you think that's cool." his attitude when consulting me about songs was shy and he was often shaking if it was an important. huge difference to his usual cockiness if you ask me.

"loved it. stop worrying you idiot, your fans will love this song. it's so cute. what's your inspiration for this song then? was it sara? you guys have been spending so much time together lately. no it can't be - what about jess?" i continue bombarding him with questions until 4. which was when i had to leave.

"bye bye cauliflower," james jokes. I wave at him whilst closing his wooden door behind me.

i've got high hopes for that song.

A\N: elloo. new account bc I forgot the pass to the old acc. love you guys to the moon and back <3

updates like once or twice a day if you're lucky.


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