Pause, Rewind, Play.

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Jimin doesn’t know why it starts. Maybe it’s the eightieth post he’s seen today about him being rejected by Jungkook. Maybe it’s the ninetieth online comment that says he tries too hard to be funny. Maybe it’s the tenth video he’s seen of himself being pushed out of the camera. Maybe Jimin himself is just tired. But whatever the reason, Jimin starts to not care anymore.


There’s supposed to be a really annoying hyung all up in his space right now but there isn’t and Jungkook, for some weird reason, feels strangely alone. It’s not for lack of affection because Seokjin has petted his head probably ten times today and Taehyung has wrapped an arm around his shoulders a couple of times. The air around him feels cold and empty and it’s weird so, armed with the Bangtan Bomb camera (because Jungkook can’t just go seek Jimin out without an actual reason), Jungkook starts off to find Jimin.

He finds Jimin sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of their waiting room, sipping water, and seemingly staring off into space. It’s uncharacteristic of him; Jimin is usually hollering it up with Hoseok if not clinging to Jungkook.

“Wow look it’s Jiminnie,” Jungkook teases for the camera and Jimin smiles for the camera but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Wow, you brat,” Jimin laughs and he pushes the camera away. “I’m your hyung, you know.”

It’s their usual banter but Jimin isn’t jumping up to grab Jungkook in a headlock and ruffle his hair. Jimin just sits there, smiling weirdly, saying the usual platitudes to their fans, and Jungkook, unsettled, leaves to find another member to film.


Once Jimin’s clambered into their van, Jungkook pushes ahead of Hoseok and takes the spot next to Jimin. Usually, Jungkook doesn’t sit next to Jimin because Jungkook’s always irritable and sweaty and tired after performances and doesn’t feel like dealing with Jimin’s antics, but today Jimin has been all weird and quiet and Jungkook wants to know why (maybe he’s a little worried, a little sad and angry that whatever Jimin is thinking, he isn’t sharing it with Jungkook).

And Jimin usually would gush that Jungkook loves him enough to sit next to him and fall into Jungkook’s lap like a child whose birthday came early but Jimin just ignores Jungkook to stare out the window.

Taehyung nudges Jungkook from the side and furrows his eyebrows, nodding in Jimin’s direction. Jungkook shrugs and taps Jimin on the shoulder.

“Jimin-hyung?” Jimin starts at the rarely used term of respect and looks at Jungkook questioningly.


“You okay?” The other members are sort of staring at Jimin now.

Jimin blinks at Jungkook. “Of course. Just – kinda tired?”

The rest of the members relax and start engaging in easy conversation. They know the feeling; they’ve all had those days where they just want to be left alone but no matter how alone Jimin wants to be, he always let Jungkook near. But now Jimin’s shutting Jungkook out too and Jungkook feels hollow inside.


When they reach the dorm, Seokjin tells Jimin gently that he should shower first and Jimin shoots Seokjin a grateful smile before skipping into the bathroom, humming. Apparently it’s a good enough show for Seokjin who smiles at Jimin’s back before being called over by Hoseok for a Twitter selca. It’s not good enough for Jungkook who now knows for sure something’s up. Jimin doesn’t hum ever.

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