Chapter 11; Help me

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October 20 2023. Time :8:40am

David's POV ;
I wake up to a noise and I soon realized was my phone "babe your phone " Liza says as she turns over . I then lean up to grab my phone and I see it's Heath calling me . I then press answer .
(The phone call )
Heath ; hey man are you awake ?
David ; I am now why what's up ?
Heath ; Yesterday Jaimie came by out of nowhere and dropped off Peyton and Riley . She had to go back to Vegas for something . And now I'm stuck with all four of the kids .
David: what ? Where's Bella ?
Heath : She's with her sister in Florida because she just had her baby.
David ; I'm kinda confused . Why are you calling me ?
Heath ; I already took Peyton to school this morning . But I need help watching these three
David ; Okay okay , be here in a hour
Heath : thanks so much David
We then get off the phone and I look over and see Liza . " What's up?" She asked " Um Heath needs help watching the three little ones " I say . She then sits up and checks the time ." I'm going to take a shower . " she says as she walks into the bathroom . I could tell she was a little upset or something . But I felt like I had to do it because I know they would do it for me .

I walk down the hall and into Hanna's room . When she sees me she gets up and holds her arms out to me . I pick her up " Someone's stinky " I say and she laughs . I change her diaper and then we walk into Tommy's room . He was awake in his room playing with his toys . " Hey bud " I say and he gets up and runs over to me. He hugs around my legs " breakfast " he says with a smile ." Come on " I say and we walk into the kitchen and start to cook .

Liza's POV;
I get out of the shower and I walk over to mine and David's closet. I decide to wear a long sleeve grey shirt and some blue jean pants . I then walk back into the bathroom and do my basic makeup and then I do my hair . After I was done I walk back into our bedroom and I grab my phone then head to the kitchen . I walk in to seeing David and the kids sitting down . " Mommy " Hanna says from her high chair "Good morning Sweetie " I say as I kiss her cheek . See tilted her head as if it tickled ." Good morning baby boy " I say as I kiss Tommy's cheek . " Heath and the kids should be here any minute " David says and then the door bell ringer " or maybe now" he says and I giggle " coming !" I say loud so they might could hear me " Hey guys !" I say while opening the door . " Hey Liza " Heath says and we hug . The kids run in and meet up with Tommy "Are you guys hungry we made a lot ?" David asked " Yeah thanks man " Heath says . We all then gather at the table and eat . Soon after that we sit down in the living room ." So how are they ?" I asked Heath " Good, They all are warmed up to each other " he says  . We then start talking about the vlog and such stuff . "Hey I was thinking about taking the kids to the park " David says " yeah man let's do it " Heath says " Liza would you like to come ?" David asks as he stood up . " Nah y'all got this Ima have some me time " I smile and they laugh. They then go down the hall and get the kids ready and they leave " Bye Mommy !" Tommy and Hanna say in unison " bye baby's " I say and they leave out the front door . This gave me time to film my second channel video . I was going to be doing a Q&A . I then went into mine and David's room . I set up the camera and the lighting just right and I started to film .

(Time lapse . 2:30pm)
David's POV ;
We soon pulled up to Peyton's elementary school to get him . As we were in the car line a woman came up to the window and he rolled it down "Hi who are you here to pick up ?" She asked "Peyton Hussar Williams . PreK student " Heath says " okay he will be out shortly " she says and walks off "Dang you have to say his full name ?" I asked "Yeah so they will know that your not trying to kidnap a kid or anything . Soon we see him walk out to the car . Heath leans back and opens the door "Hey man " Peyton says " Hey dad , hey David " he says as he makes his way back to a seat beside Hanna . " How was your day ?" Heath asked "Good , we painted pictures and colored " he says . Soon we got back to our house .

Liza's POV ;
I hear the front door unlock and I look at it . I then see six little kids running in over to me " Hi Liza !" Peyton says as he hugs me " Hey Pey, How was school ?" I asked " Good " he say "Hey guys I was thinking about taking a picture of all the kids " I say " yeah let's go it " Heath says . We then head outside and up against the white wall . We took pictures of them by theirselves then as siblings then a group . They turned out so cute . Right hen Heath's phone went off " what is it ?" David asked " Bella is going to land in about 45minutes , we should get going " he says " thanks for helping me watch them , and Liza please sent us those pictures " Heath says " sure thang " " bye man " David says as he leaves "

David's POV ;
I was in my office editing the great wolf lodge video and I was about to upload it . When I got a phone call from Alex
( The call)
David ; hey what's up man ?
Alex ; David , Erin is in labor

To be continued ...

Total words ;1013

^ today it snowed and we were out of school

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^ today it snowed and we were out of school . I hope you liked this chapter even though I left it on a cliffhanger. 💗

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