Chapter 16; Target

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/I'm going to be skipping a lot in the future chapters just to let you all know/

November 20 2023

David's POV ;
This morning I had woken up to Knox beside me instead of my wife , Liza . I grabbed my phone to see that it was 10am . Thanksgiving is in three days and Liza's family will be coming to LA for it. Because every year we switch it up for Christmas and thanksgiving.

I soon get up out of bed and I walk down the hall . I enter Hanna's room to find her wide awake . " Good morning baby " I say as I pick her up and kiss her cheek . I then change her diaper and I put her on my side . We walk into Tommy's room to see him playing with his toys . " Good morning Tommy " I say and he quickly turns to me " Morning dad " he mumbles " You hungry ?" I ask him and he nods . I then throw my head back as a signal for him to follow me . We then walk into the kitchen . I put Hanna into her high chair and then I help Tommy up into a stool . I grab his themed super hero cereal bowl . " Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Lucky charms ?" I ask as I look in the pantry " Cinnamon Toast Crunch " He says and I grab the box . I pour some in then I add the milk . I put the cereal up and then I hand him his bowl with a spoon . I put Hanna some milk into a bottle and then gave it to her .
Knox the runs into the room and goes straight for the back door . I walk over and I open it so he can use the bathroom .

As the kids are still eating I get a text from Liza .
" Hey babe , I need you to go get some stuff from the store that we need for thanksgiving . Here's the list below , love you 😘"

Under neath it was a list of what to get . I then text her back . I let Knox back in and I cleaned up Tommy's bowl . I then get a text from Jason . I wonder that he wants ?
( The chat )
Jason ; hey man what are you doing today ? Want to hang out ?
David ; going grocery shopping for thanksgiving . You want to come ?
Jason ; sure I need some vlog footage . And Trisha will be coming
David ; okay meet me at target in 20 minutes
Jason; okay

I then get Hanna out of her high chair . I walk into her room and I pick out her outfit . I put her in a long sleeve black shirt that said " Daddy's Clickbait " in pink . Zane had gotten it for her for her birthday . But it was a little big on her then but now it fits perfectly . I put some place pants on her and then some little pink shoes . Her hair was natural curly and wavy like Liza's . It was barley pasted her ears . I then put her down and I walk into Tommy's room .
I pick him out a Batman shirt and some pants . I help him tie his shoes and he grabs a jacket . I put Knox into his pin with his food,water, and a couple of toys. I then grab my vlog camera and Hanna's diaper bag . Then we head it the door .

Jason's POV ;
David told me to meet him here in 20 but he's late . Me and Trisha have been here for about 10 minutes . When I see David's car pull up and part I then start recording "Look so David told us to meet him here in 20 minuets , but joe this fucker is late " I say as me and Trisha walk up to his care. He gets out and looks at us " Well well we'll " I say as he opens the passenger. " what ?" He says as he gets Tommy out " your 10 minutes later " I say . I then see Trisha go over and get Hanna out of the car . " well Jason look I have a 3 and 1 year old " David says while laughing a little .
" oh shit I forgot " I say and we all laugh " Jason !, no cussing around them " Trisha says as she hits my arm " Yeah Jason Liza will kill you " David says kinda jokingly but I know she will for real .

We soon enter target and I walked around and messed with David as he looks for stuff . Now we were about to leave target and I asked David " hey can I get Knox ?" " Yeah sure , come by now if you want " he says and he starts to put the bags in his car. Me and Trisha helped and then we followed him home .

David's POV ;
Jason and Trisha got Knox and left . I put the groceries up and I put Hanna down for her nap . Soon I heard the front door unlock . Me and Tommy look over at the door since we were in the living room . I couldn't see anyone and I thought someone was trying to brake in. " Tommy go hide under your bed " I quickly whisper to him " But-" he say but I cut him off . " Tommy's it's all good . I come get you okay ?" He nods and runs down the hall . I quickly jump up and grab a knife from the kitchen . I head around the corner . Who ever was outside was having a hard time getting in . Soon I heard the last lock unlock . The door swung open . " Hey babe I'm home " I hear . I then come around the corner and I put my hands behind my back " Hey " Liza says as she hugs me . She then pulled away looking confused " What's up? Why didn't you hug back ?" She asked . I then pull my hands away form behind . " Why do you have a knife ?" She asked as we walked into the kitchen . I put it back up " me and Tommy hear someone trying to come in . I thought someone was braking in" I say as I lean against the counter .
" wait then where is he now ? And Hanna ?" She asked kinda anxious like . She then walks down the hall into Tommy's room . I immediately walk over to the bed and look under it " It's okay bud" I say as I hold my hand out . He takes my hand and I pull him from under the bed " Did you get the bad guy ?" He asked
" no baby , the bad guy was me " Liza says with a laugh . I then join . I told her how Jason and Trisha has Knox and that Hanna's taking a nap . We then walking back into the living room .
Tommy continues watching "Teen Titans Go" And me and Liza go into the kitchen " did you get everything in the list?" She asked " Yeah everything " I say and she comes to kiss me " thank you , and my parents will get here tomorrow around 5:30pm " she adds .

We then went into the living room and watched tv with Knox . We filmed a out tro for today's vlog . Then I go to finish editing it .
Total words :1185
Hey guys , I was thinking about adding Liza's sisters Rachel and Olivia into the story . Because I don't want it to just me . Liza's parents ,David , her and the kids . When it could also be Rachel and Olivia with maybe their husbands and kids . Should I add three ? Comment yes or no .

~ more chapters coming soon! ~

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