Chapter 17

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Finally, we are leaving this room.  That room was starting to feel like I was being locked up in solitary confinement. Well its not like here is better than solitary,  infact I consider this place as another department of hell.

It was dinner time,  and after Regina's episode earlier today,  Judith decided to let us out to the cafeteria. The sleepless nights,  lack of appetite,  plotting an escape plan, nightmares,  was really starting to take a toll on me. I felt like I was a walking dead and I'm sure just by looking at Regina walking at my side,  it was the same for her.

My eyes had horrible bag lines underneath, My forehead seemed to be constantly wrinkled, my dark brown mid shoulder length hair hadn't been touched for almost a week.  I had pains surging through my ankle and other parts of my body like my back. I can't even remember the last time I grinned, not to talk of smiled.

The cafeteria was on the ground floor. It's starting to seem like Regina and I only come here once a week.

Judith was in front of us,  as I held on to Regina's hands for support.  No!  She wasn't the one supporting me!  It was the other way round, cause she looked like,  she could drop dead any moment.  If we actually wanted to leave this place,  we had to have enough energy to do so, and the only way to get energy was by eating and sleeping. I had refused to eat for the past five days, only living by cups of water or tea.  It broke my heart to see that Regina had no appetite to eat,  and that made me loose my appetite also,  but now I could eat a whole horse,  I was so done suppressing my feelings for my sister, when she had refused to help herself, afterall we are all victims.

The hallways were packed,  as girls and their matrons were walking to cafeteria. There were a lot of people I hadn't seen before and some I recognised,  from our little run-ins in the shower room.

Some of the girls here seemed to enjoy staying here I thought,  as I saw some girls happily talking and laughing with their roommates. I wouldn't blame them though, this place really messes with the mind.

The last time I had come to the cafeteria,  I hadn't remembered passing through a large makeshift sitting room.  That held a large double way wooden door.  That must be the front entrance.  So far,  I had found three ways out of the hell hole,  but all of them were heavily guarded except the path leading to the basement but that was too risky.

Guards kept looking at us like hawks.  Ofcourse they wore their shades,  but still I could feel their eyes on me.

I heard someone scream and I'm sure everyone on their way to the cafeteria heard it too.  The activities had stopped and the place became dead silent.  We still had a large hall to go through before we got to the cafeteria. So I could see the person on the floor.  It was Darnell. 

She seemed to be in some sort of pain as she kept shouting and holding on to her right leg. The guards all looked confused as they kept looking between each other.  Her roomate Audrey was just a few paces infront of me. She tried to run to help Darnell get up but Regina held out her hand to stop her.

Wait, something oddly fishy is going on here!

Her Matron -Denise- tried to help her up but it seemed like she couldn't stand on one foot making it very difficult to get her up.
Silent whispers had filled the halls, no one knew what was going on.  One of the guards stepped forward and carried her up.  I guess she'll be going to the infirmary. Show was over.  I turned around and continued walking, until Regina leaned into my ear, whispering the words,  'wait for it'.

"Wait for wha...?" I turned back and thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Blood was dripping down her back as the guard carried her.  I heard a faint scream but her expression held no pain at all, it was all ecstasy. she pulled out the gun that was tucked in the guards waist pouch, jumped to the floor and shot him right in the head.  That's it,  the hall was in chaos.  Girls from all angles ran all around screaming,  the guards now had out their weapons, and tried to restrain us.  But it was difficult since we were over a hundred frantically screaming teenagers. 

Darnell was no where in sight.  The guard she shot was laying lifeless on the floor. I pulled Regina with me as everyone ran around aimlessly in different directions giving us just the cover we needed.  The guards were calling for back up,  I presumed and they hadn't fired any shots,  maybe they were instructed not to. 
I had no idea where I was running to,  but I held on to Regina's hand,  as I felt someone knock me down. 


I had a lot of scences playing in my head for their escape but I dont know why I choose this one.   How was it?  What are your takes on this chapter??.  Please I would really appreciate your comments.

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