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(A/N: Picture is what Victoria looks like, Credit to the owner)

I love books.They have this magical kindof feeling. When you read them, it's likeyou're in their own little world. Like you'reone of the characters. Books smell good.They can smell good or new, like fresh raindrops on a window on arainy day. I really like that they all have their own and individualsmell. But what I love the most about books is that when you'rereading them it's like you#re in a dream, you're in a different worldand you can be anything and everyone you want. You're everything butliving reality. That's when I get pulled out of thought by my momtapping on my shoulder. I put my book I'm currently reading aside andshe signed me that dinner was ready. Oh yeah, one thing about me, I'mdeaf so my only way to communicate with my family and friends is through sign language. I smiled at her andfollowed her in the kitchen after putting a reading sign in where I left off in my book. When I exit my room I get hit by light.When we decided to move to San Diego, my mom insisted to put a lot ofwindows everywhere since the house we moved to was much bigger thanthe flat in Tallahassee we used to live in. Back then I needed toshare a room with my little brother. I like it a lot that everythingis so much bigger and that there'S so much light everywhere. Still,everything seems empty because we still have to unpack a lot ofboxes. My eyes have adjust to the light. I prefer my own room to bedark and only have a ittle light to read because it makes everythinga lot more mystic and aesthetically pleasing for me. I walk down thehallway and down the stairs into the kitchen where my family alreadytook a seat at the table my dad already put together. It was one ofthese Ikea tables. He signed at me. „Victoria have you finishedyour book?". His eyes sparked with excitement  „No not yet, a fewpages and I'll be done" I signed back as I took a seat beside mybrother. Today my mom made Tortillas. Honestly she makes the bestfood, it's always so good. I looked around the kitchen and the livingroom while picking at my frood and there were still boxes everywhere.Then I thought about my first day in the new school and I tensed up.What wuld it be like? Would I find new friends? Hoe would peoplereact to my disease? What would the teachers do about it? It wasmyfirst casual school so i had every reason to panic. My mom gave mea concerned look and signed. „Are you not hungry? What's wrong?"I just smiled at her and begun eating. I can't really talk to myfamily while eating because I don't speak and I have a fork and knivein my hand. I finished my meal and signed to my mom that I'd beupstairs. „So soon?", she signed back and I nodded. I signed agoodnight to all of them and ran up the stair. I entered my room andchanged into some comfortable pyjamas. Once under the covers I triedto fall asleep but I just couldn't. So I took my book and startedreading from where I left of. Soon enough I find myself drifting offto sleep and I lay my book aside on my bedside table and K findmyself faling asleep. I really wonder what tomorrow helds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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