we got back to my house i unlocked the front door we walked in me,mel,charlie,leo harvey and overload went to the hotel. 'does anyone want a drink' i questioned everyone nodded 'ill come help you princess' he followed me to the kitchen 'you okay princess you look sad ' leo asked me he came up behind me and hugged me he rested his head on my shoulder i could feel his warm breath on my neckhe kissed my cheek i felt my cheek go bright red 'why are you blushing' he laughed 'because its you' i told him i carried on pouring the drinks leo still had his hands around my waist his head still leaning on my shoulder it felt right him being there
'whats taking you so long we hav-' charlie stopped half way through his sentance 'sorry didnt mean to inturupt anything' you could hear the smirk on his face me and leo turned round 'its okay charliee' me and leo grabed the drinks and walked to the living room melissa had already turned the tv on.
melissa is my best friend shes 14 years old and is a charlie girl shes got brown hair and brown eyes.
'what shall we watch' mel asked us
'how about a scary movie' leo spoke up
we all nodded are heads. i HATE scary movies so much but if i watch one i can cuddle into leo so i jsut went along with watching one.
melissa put on paranormal activity on me and leo sat with are feet up all cuddled up together when the scary bits came up i hid my face in leos chest i felt his grip get tighter around my waist
*click click click click* 'cute' mel and charlie shouted 'why you taking photos of us' leo whined i hid my face in leos chest. more pictures took we all went back to the movie it was near the end just when a scary bit came up we all screamed 'OH MY LIFE' i screamed 'its okay princess' leo laughed and kissed my head 'so what we doing now' melissa screamed at the top of her voice 'how about a walk in the park?' i suggested 'yea i think a walk in the park sounds good' leo agreeded we all put are coats on and walked to the park
we got to the park 'race you to the swings' charlie shouted me and charlie ran as fast as we could i got to a swing leo came up behind me and started pushing me we all sat there talking 'cam can i talk to you a sec' leo came up to me 'sure' he pulled me off the swing 'ooooooooooooo' charlie and melissa yelled. Me and leo walked over the grass 'so cam i was wondering if you would like to like go on a date or something'leo shy spoke 'ye i would' he held my hang and kept swinging it 'how about 7:30 tonight ill tell blair' me and leo layed down on the field 'cam your beautiful your perfect i love you' i rolled over onto my side and hugged him he wrapped his arms around me 'i love you to' i mumbled into his chest i looked up to find him looking down at me his soft lips presses against mine i kissed back instantly i smiled into the kiss we broke away he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him 'whats going on here then' charlie and mel came and sat down next to us 'nothing just hugging' i smiled and hugged more into leo 'this is cute can i take a picture please' melissa begged 'sureee' leo told her then he held me tighter and i hid into his chest even more 'here you go' mel showed me the picture 'i like it send it to me' she nodded i turned my head 'your cutee' i heard charlie say 'your cute'melissa giggled back i turned my head back to charlie and melissa and saw them cuddled up together 'whats going on here then?' melissa sat up 'erm me and charlie were together before we erm did the meet up in liverpool' melissa confessed to me 'since when have you been together' leo qustioned 'why didnt we know about this' me and leo sat up waiting for are answers 'well' charlie started talking 'we started talking on twitter on the bars and melody account and basically we were talking everyday so i got her number and facetimed her and were talking for atleast 4 hours i guess we just conected together and well we were texting every day and when i was at home melissa came and visited me in bristol and we got together and that was about 2 months ago and weve been texting and factiming and stuff then i found out there was a meet up in liverpool i was over the moon that id get to see her again and basically me and leo have a surprise for you ive also got something to say but its a secreat cos im not sure leo will want me to say this but i am anyway leo first saw a picture of you on twitter he liked you thats why he followed you and dmed you straight away saying hello beautiful cos he liked you her thought you were cute and he wanted to meet you so thats why you dmed every single day sorry leo' i looked at leo and saw him bright red 'aww baby thats cute' i smiled at leo 'i love you baby' he kissed me again 'ive got a story about cam about when she first saw leo' she smirked slightly 'you dare mel you dare' i looked at her 'oh i dare' she smiled evily at me 'well when she first saw leo she was staying at mine and she was flicking though twitter when a notification came through off overload saying about following bars and melody and basically she saw leo and thought he was hot and she followed him straight away when she got a follow back and he tweeted her saying thanks for following beautiful~leo she littrally screamed when she got her dm through saying hey beautiful she cried it was so funny then me and charlie started talking and yea basically' i was a bright shade of red 'i find that cute' he hugged me tighter 'we better be going for this date ayy ' i told leo he got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me into him and kissed me 'i love you' he wispered into my ear 'i love you to' i wispered back 'this is just cute otp otp otp opt' melissa chanted we walked back to the house 'what about clothes for you?'i questioned leo 'there at mels i knew i was going to be needing clothes cos i was meant to me staying at mels' we walked to mine and mel,charlie and leo dropped me off home 'byee' melissa and charlie shouted leo smiled and went to walk off he looked back and i frowned 'only joking come here princess' he ran back to me and hugged me 'see you in a bit princess' he smiled and walked off 'bye baby' i smiled he turned round and winked back he ran to catch up with melissa and charlie i closed the front door and ran to get ready i got showered washed brushed my teeth and got ready i wore a pink dress with one strap i did my makeup and hair it was now 7:20 there was a knock at the door and there was leo looking smart and cute we got ready to walk to the resraunt...
sorry for any spelling mistakes ino this isnt to good but ive only just started writing again and cos your lucky youll get a update tomorrow
also if youve saved my book to your libary can you comment cos id like to know whos saved this book
next chapter is chapter 4 sorry if its rubbish
love y'all
update tomorrow