*skips date*
we walked home hand in hand swingging our arms laughing,giggling and smiling
his name made me smile being with him i cant even put into words its th best feeling in the world.
'you look beautiful tonight' leo told me with a sparkle in his eyes i blushed 'i really dont' i giggled he looked at me confused 'what are you saying your stunning cam ill even tell the whole world that' i looked at him with a smile on my 'im no...' i felt soft lips on mine i kissed back he held my waist my hands held his face we pulled away leo looked at me he smiled the cutest smile ever i blushed and hid my face. we carried on walking down the road we walked to melissa's so we could see everyone
we walked in silence not a awkward silence a normal silence,
we walked past a group of lads it was overload
'alright love birds' ryan teased down the road
'shut up ryan' leo laughed
'are you gunna sit with us a little bit' joey questioned leo
'yea sure is that okay with you cam' leo asked me
'yep' i answered leo with a smile
we all sat down on the filed we sat in a circle me,leo,jordi,ryan,ollie,and and joey
we all talked for a bit about singing school and loads of other stuff
'TRUTH OR DARE' andy shouted 'OKAY' we all screamed back
'leo truth or dare' andy asked leo
'dare' leo said bck with worry in his voice
'Kiss Cam' andy said with a laugh
inside i was happy that i get to feel them soft lips again but with overload watching i feel awkward...
Leos P.O.V
ive got to kiss cam
I guess here it goes
i lent in serching for the sort lips i love the plump light shaded pink lips
i touched them the lips i needed to feel she kissed back her hands on my face warm soft i guess you could say im in love with her we pulled away i looked into her ocean blue she had bright pink cheeks warm and cute.
we smiled at each other
'oh wow wait till mum finds out' joey laughed
'you dare tell mum joey she'll make a big deal about it and you know she will' i said
'i know' joey laughed even more i hate it when he does this he knows mum will make a big deal about me kissing cam she'll want to meet her straight away i mean id love cam to meet my mum but we arnt even together yet but i want to be with her...