You, Love pt. 2

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" Jacob .."
"Hmm..., hold on do you have a bobby pin in your hair ? "
" Yea why ? "
" So I can pick this lock girl ! "
" Really ?!, all this trouble for some poster board ? why can't we just go to Walmart real fast! "
" Why you snappin ? and because my mom took MY car and I don't know where the keys are to her car , so that's why !"
" Ugh ! " , I rolled my eyes and snatched a bobby pin outta my messy hair. " here ! happy ?"
" Yes. Thank you."
He jiggled the knob and it opened.
" It stank down here", I exclaimed.
" Yea I know - aye make sure you don't close the door or we'll be stuck dow- "
As he was saying those exact words the heavy door slipped outta my hand and shut with a bang.
"Sh,t " , we big said under our breaths.
" Helllllllppppp ! help help help help help!!!! , I was furiously banging on the door! This cannot happen to me ! not today ! Being down here alone with makes me nervous. There's no more denying it ..... I really like him !
" Hellllllllllp ! help ! me ! Nigga! "
I slid my back down the door and sat at the top of the stairs looking down at jacob.
" What you laughin at ? "
" You ! " He smiled.
Oh his smile Jesus take the wheel. I'm seriously gonna die if help doesn't come soon.
" Well you need to stop cuz Ain't nothin funny "
" You screamin askin for help when ain't nobody here but us ! " , He laughed " it's just you and me baby!"

" I AINT YO BABY !" , I snapped
" Girl relax !"
" No ! I'm hot jake ! it's hot down here ! "
" Well what you want me to do about it ? ", he asked as he slipped his shirt off. " Just do what I'm doin and take ya shirt off "
" NO! "
" Okay then quit complaining ! "
I put my head down on my knees. lord help me through this!
Jake sat down right beside me.
I could feel his arm against mine
He bent down to look at my face.
" I know you ain't cryin ." I didn't answer
He wrapped his arms around me and rocked me back and forth. My ear was right next to his heart and I could hear it beating. dum, dum dum, dum.
He sang softly and gently. He knows his singing always calms me down.
I argued with myself again about whether or not I should grab his hand. But before I knew it I had slipped my fingers in between his. I had surprised myself. I was scared that he'd snatch his hand away but no. He held onto me. His heart beat faster. dumdum dumdum dumdum dumdumdum.
Does he like me too? what's happening ? this is my chance . I'm gonna tell him.


My mouth was dry. Like the words just shriveled up and died. I didn't even know how to begin to tell him.

Jake I like you
Hey jake to face Is sexy
Jacob I have feelings for you
Jacob Latimore jr. I want you to be mine nowwwwww !

All those were WRONG ! I can't do this. I was about to open my mouth and just blurt something out when -
His phone rang.
"Please tell me that's your mom! "
"Nope it's Micca - hey baby ! how you doin ? " he answer

Jealousy surged though my veins. Micca's no good for jake. And I'm not just saying that because I want him to myself. I'm saying it because I know for a fact she's cheating on him. I catch her with other niggas all the time. She even saw me looking at her and this other guy named diggy .. or whatever his name was and she jut winked and smiled. then when I confronted her about it she denied it. Jacob deserves someone way better. I never said anything though , i was trying to protect him , he really likes her.
" Alright love you too Micca baby! muuah! bye!" He hung up the phone.
Some friend I am.
He doesn't love me.
When are we getting out of this basement?
I'm never gonna tell him.


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