Surprises aren't always good....

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Unknown Location


Two guards swiveled into the throne room with the familiar red-head trekking in front of them, her get up was similar to a business woman and her lengthy hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her eyes glinting and glaring at anyone who looked upon her,She walked as though she were a queen meeting her faithful subjects. Who were merely aliens under the thumb of the 'great one'.

She finally came to a stop in front of the golden throne, the man above sitting as a king should and glared down upon her, condescending the woman's arrogance.

"What is it?" His voice booming

"Well we seemed to have run into a few issues and the plan has almost nearly fallen to its death." She replied her hand running up to her mouth to tap a finger lightly on it.

"Do not test me Ms.Potts for I am a powerful man and will not be humored by you, now tell me." He snarled.

"Well it seems as though a few others have found out about Tony and Steve. Those that have found out have been tracked but three of them have gone off the radar. We can't find them anywhere." The man in the throne let out a deep hearty chuckle, that rumbled the floor with each breathe. A wide grin was plastered onto his face as if he was born with it.

"Oh don't worry Ms.Potts, we'll take care of that."

"That is all Mr.K." Pepper stated simply before leaving the throne room in silence, as she retreated back her eyes flashed a deep violet before returning back to their normal color.


Classified Location

2:30 pm

Deadpool tossed and turned in the, well whatever was on, it was way to hard to be a bed and it was way too cold to the the touch

Hello,you have to wake up and get Spidey and his funky Uncle

Or we could skip out on his Uncle and get Spidey..

No if we do that then-

"As much as I love you two, I think I can figure this out." Deadpool said out loud, unaware that he was flanked on each side by at least 20 or so shield agents, their guns ready to strike him if he so much as stirred.

Groaning he lifted himself off of the exam table, his body was still trying to come around and he didn't really prepare for the large amount of red dots popping up onto his chest. The feeling of his eyes widening was the first sensation he felt as reality slapped him across the face, sense coming back to life and on high alert. Turning around he saw that he was alone in the bare cage or whatever he was being contained in.

"Mr.Wilson we are going to have to ask you to return to the med table." A man called out from the shadows, his voice was scratchy and rough, hindering his words into pitchy sounds that had a range of a boy going through puberty on a octave scale. His boxes were throwing venomous comments at the Shield agent but Deadpool paid no attention to their vulgar words, the task of escape way too important then the slander of jokes made by his boxes.

"Where's Spiderman? And his crazy Uncle Loki?" Deadpool had walked over to what seemed to be the edge of his cage and pointed out a finger to show that he meant business, if they decided to shoot then his healing factor would help him out with that, these buffoons had Peter somewhere and that was an issue, he had already dealt with him being captured only a few months ago and if these people so much as touched him, blood would be spilled. Every single person in this building would be splattered onto the wall like a bug.

"Mr.Wilson, please go ba-." The guard had stepped out of the shadows to reveal a blonde with spiky hair, and a jawline that could almost beat brad pitt's, but the first thing deadpool noticed was his brevity, the man couldn't be over 5 ft 3. Deadpool didn't care though and simply put up his fists, his clenched tight and even in his slightly dazed state he could easily knock the daylights out of Mr short stuff.

"Hey he's with me." a voice shouted from the back, everyone turned towards the sound and watched as a man came out of the shadow, his grey wings still attached to his back and a wily smirk plastered on his face.

"Can't believe I get to meet the merc with the mouth." The man let out a hearty laugh before tipping his head for Deadpool to follow. the other guards looked skeptical but didn't question it, Deadpool had to almost sprint to catch up with his mysterious 'caretaker'.

No I don't think he is your caretaker.. hmm maybe more so savior?

Savior no way.. oh wait he must be Falcon!

"So, uh you must be bird guy number two or falcon?" Deadpool asked as he skipped to walk next to the rushing man, well now bird man dos, wait no, Sam.

"Yes I am Falcon." Sam let out a chuckle, and smiled brightly at the nickname, he was about to say something else but he was then grabbed by the shoulder and pressed against Deadpool, he only saw a flash and then Deadpool looking at his phone.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"Yes, yes I did for the lovely Falcon fans out there posting it on tumblr, one sec, annnndd there! I hope you guys are happy he got this cameo in a spideypool based fanfic eh? Chicks are diggin Falcon right now." Sam was utterly confused by what deadpool was talking about but just shook his head before letting out a sigh and continuing his quickened pace. A few seconds passed before Sam noticed Deadpool kept lagging behind.

"Yo Falcon come here! There's a person on the computer in a dark room here, and some racoon looking guy, Hey!" Deadpool barged into the room and looked at the man sitting down on the bench, his metal arm shining as light danced about it. His long locks were shoulder length and a deep brown, scruff covered the lower have of his face as if he was an hobo. Death ran through his cold eyes as he glanced towards Deadpool, who was only inches away from his face, grinning from ear to ear, before looking off to someplace unknown. The person on the computer was silent the entire time and didn't dare to look towards Deadpool's way.

"Don't worry kids metal arm here will be here in about 3 chapters or so." giving a thumbs up to some imaginary person, and ran out and locked the door and rushed into Falcon as he finally decided to finally go see what the merc had found. 

"Come on we're going to be late!" Falcon yelled, his old military stature edging out as his patience dwindled significantly. Deadpool only nodded and bounded after him silently, the regular 5 minute walk to their destination took almost 12 minutes to complete. When the two finally arrived Sam let out a sigh before walking into the room they had arrived to, Deadpool felt tears brim his eyes as he saw what laid behind the door.


This is like a serious but not necessarily serious chapter, I felt like the last two chapters were kind of heavy so have a comical one for kicks. If you are a true marvel fan you already know who one of the villians of the story, can't just have one... three at the most? hmm dunno....

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