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Unluckily, Seiryuu was the first of the Shinshou that Masahiro had met

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Unluckily, Seiryuu was the first of the Shinshou that Masahiro had met. He was 5 years old at the time, playing with his grandfather's seals, while Seiryuu was on babysitting duty. Whatever made Seimei think that having Seiryuu—the anti-social and bad-tempered—babysit his infant grandson, the ice Shinshou had no idea, but he absolutely despised the job already.

Kouchin was standing in the doorway, an amused smile gracing her lips at the sight of a very grumpy Shinshou and a 5 year old child in the same room. 'Seiryuu never was good at being exciting or playful, especially around children.' She thought as Masahiro's little chubby fingers reached for Seiryuu's right hand. As soon as skin touched skin, Seiryuu's hand immediately retracted, leaving Masahiro's hands empty.

"That was not a very wise decision, Seiryu." Kouchin spoke, seconds before Masahiro began to wail loudly while wet, fat tears slid down his face. Seiryuu wore an annoyed expression as he stared/glared disapprovingly at the small child. "I do not like to engage in physical contact unless it is absolutely necessary. You know this, Kouchin."

"He is just a child. He does not know better." Seiryuu released an indignant scoff while rolling his eyes before focusing back on the still sobbing child.
"Must he be any louder? He is becoming a nuisance! I do not want Seimei to be interrupted from his work just to check on his annoying grandson!"

Kouchin crossed her arms and huffed. "Well, if you had learned to be a little less uptight and had let the kid hold your hand, you wouldn't be worrying about Seimei!"

"Why don't you let him hold your hand?"

"Because he didn't want mine! He wants yours!" In emphasis of her last sentence, the female Shinshou pushed Seiryuu forward, causing him to lose balance and fall in an unceremonious heap in front of Masahiro.

The infant's cries immediately stopped and were replaced by loud giggles when he saw the big, mean shikigami clumsily fall to the ground. Kouchin was smiling triumphantly, having accomplished her goal in making Masahiro happy again. She stepped over Seiryuu and picked up the raven haired child, balancing him on her hip.

"I sure hope you do not grow up to be a violent Onmyouji, little one. I would stay away from Seiryuu and his attitudes if I were you."

Three years later, Masahiro met Rikugou and Suzaku, two other shikigami who had pledged their service to his grandfather, the legendary onmyouji Abe no Seimei

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Three years later, Masahiro met Rikugou and Suzaku, two other shikigami who had pledged their service to his grandfather, the legendary onmyouji Abe no Seimei. Masahiro first noticed that they had figures that closely related to Seiryuu's. They were taller than ordinary human males and very slim. In contrast to Seiryuu's pale blue hair, Rikugou and Suzaku had respectfully brown and dark red hair. Their faces were a mixture between a masculine look and beauty tied in. If Masahiro were into guys, he was sure he would've fainted in the presence of one of the ethereal beings. Of course, when he had nonchalantly mentioned that to the two gods, they simply laughed and Suzaku said, "Clearly you have not met our fire general. A flaming perfection, I'll give you that."

Rikugou and Suzaku apparently had some urgent business appear before Masahiro had the chance to ask what the red-head had meant, and they left him to ponder over who the 'flaming perfection' could be. Clearly, the person was indeed someone Masahiro had not met yet, but he was determined to find them.

If only he had known it would be years before he met the fire general of the Shinshou.
A/N: Okay so crappy beginning. This is an AU of mine that I am creating. Inspired by Shonen Onmyouji. It is an anime that I enjoy, especially the 12 Shikigami.

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