Chapter 2: Hold On

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The Abe family home was in an uproar due to a certain injured shikigami being carried in by Rikugou, flanked by Suzaku and Seimei, while Tai'in held back stupid bystanders who demanded to know what was happening

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The Abe family home was in an uproar due to a certain injured shikigami being carried in by Rikugou, flanked by Suzaku and Seimei, while Tai'in held back stupid bystanders who demanded to know what was happening.

Some very rude insults sent towards Tai'in resulted in the girl blowing a huge hole in the ground before storming into the gardens of the Abe home, where she found her long-time friend, Genbu. They spoke amongst themselves before Seiryuu, Rikugou, and Suzaku joined the pair. Seiryuu was beyond furious. He had gotten a glimpse of the extent of his friend's injuries and immediately blew a fuse. To avoid upsetting the healers, Rikugou and Suzaku led Seiryuu out to the gardens, where they coincidentally found Tai'in and Genbu.

The group of five were quickly joined by a passive aggressive Kouchin and a worried Ten'itsu, who said, "They do not know if he will survive. Even the shikigami can die of a very high depletion of blood and injuries. All we can do is wait. I tried my best but...bones are hard to repair, especially when they're missing."

Seiryuu began to rant angrily, pacing around and unnoticeably scaring some of the group of shikigami. He was just about to rant how stupid Masahiro was when the mentioned boy suddenly said hello. Which was a HUGE mistake.

It ultimately took the combined strength of Byakko, Suzaku, Rikugou, and Kouchin to hold the ice shinshou off from strangling the confused boy. So instead of physically hurting the boy, Seiryuu began to shout obscenities and accuse the boy of killing Touda.

"It's all your fault! You stupid boy! You're the reason he even had to step in! If you hadn't left without supervision or protection, Touda wouldn't have been injured! But no! You had to be a hero and do things by yourself! Now look where that has gotten us! My best friend who enjoys annoying me is dying and I don't know what to do! You are no successor of Abe no Seimei! You're just a fake! You don't deserve to be in the Abe family!" By the time Seiryuu had finished, all healthy 11 of the 12 shikigami were either sending accusing glares at Masahiro or trying to convince him that it was not his fault. Seiryuu was scowling at the boy, who had fallen to the ground in fear halfway through the shinshou's rant. Something in Masahiro snapped, and he suddenly stood up and yelled,

"It's not my fault Touda intervened! He did it of his own free will! If its anyone you should blame, it him! I didn't cask for him to save me nor did I want him of all the shinshou to save me! I've never met him and he had no right to intrude!"

A resounding smack stunned everyone, as Masahiro fell to the ground, holding his red cheek. Before him stood Abe no Narichika, Masahiro's eldest brother, staring at the 17 year old with a disapproving gaze and a lips a straight frown.

"You should be glad that you're alive right now, Masahiro. I do not know what I would do if Touda had not saved your hide from Kyuki! I thought you were responsible enough to deal with demons, but apparently not. You wasted so much of your energy, half-trained onmyouji! Touda didn't have to save you! He could've let you die if he knew this would be the gratitude he received."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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