Heart Killer

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Kol’s Pov

“So Janan, how about a drink?” I asked, as the elevator moved down to level 1. Janan looked delicious in her short beige dress might as well have my fun with her “You know, my mum always taught me to never talk to strangers and yet here I am thinking if I should accept your offer” I nodded my head chuckling “Good point, Although I don’t intend of doing anything tonight”

Janan smiled a little before nodding her head “Okay then, where do you plan on taking me Kol?” I shrugged “Im new here, so im guessing the first club we see” I took out my arm as the elevator came to a stop and opened. Janan linked her arm in mine and smiled “Sounds good to me”.

I walked out of the hotel with Janan, we walked a little bit until we stopped at a club called ‘Pacha’ sounded good to me, as long as there was alcohol and dancing. We walked into the club which was filled with people dancing, neon lights jumping and drunken people making out. I smirked; maybe tonight I may have some fun if I get Janan drunk enough….

I ordered our drinks and we talked a little. Turns out Janan is from Australia and is visiting a friend here in New York. When she asked what I was doing here in NY I told her that I just came for some relaxation, when in reality I was running from Nicklaus who im pretty sure will be coming for me.

After a couple drinks, me and Janna were pretty drunk. We dirty danced together and left the club making our way back to the hotel. As soon as my hotel room door was closed mine and Janna’s clothes were on the floor and we were both were under the sheets pleasuring each other.

Damon’s Pov

After our little Katherine incident, I locked myslef in my room getting drunk. I felt guilty. The guilt was eating me alive. It was my fault that Sierra is now a vampire.  Sierra never deserved this; she didn’t deserve to even live here! She was so innocent and pure and now everything has completely changed.

After showering and getting cleaned up I left the house and walked into the forest until I reached the long narrow road. I wanted to do something that I hadn’t done in ages I was so tired and sick of it all. I felt as if everything had fallen down on my shoulders, it’s my fault that Sierra is a vampire. If I didn’t stop the car and if I was able to fight those travellers whatever the hell they are, then Sierra would still be human.

I layed down on the road spreading my arms and legs I closed my eyes listening out to the sound of a car approaching. A couple seconds went by and soon a car came down the road. The person in the car stopped and got out of the car. “Sir, are you okay?” the women spoke I recognised her voice, although I had no clue who she was….

“Sir are you okay?” she asked me again, I sat up and looked up at her I immediately recognised her. It was Sabrina, Sierra and Elena’s cousin and the girl that was in my house.

“Im lost” I mumbled the alcohol that I drank before i left the house was speaking “And your lying in the middle of the road?” she spoke in an obvious tone, I rolled my eyes “Metaphorically, existentially” she paused for a moment biting her lip “Do you need help?” she asked “Well, yes I do. Do you wanna help me?” I asked taking out my flask from my pocket and taking a large gulp. “Your drunk” Sabrina stated as she slowly backed away “Well, no. Wait yes a little” I spoke she turned around and slowly walked to her car “No wait, please don’t leave me I really do need your help” I rushed over to her, grabbing her arms I spun her around “Don’t move” I compelled her “I don’t want any trouble” she spoke softly.

I signed shaking my head “Neither do I, but all I got is trouble” I spoke looking into her eyes “Why can’t I move?” Sabrina spoke her voice cracking “What’s your name?” I change the subject “Sabrina, you already know that” I nodded my head, shit I didn’t compel her to forget me the other day “I know” I spoke softly stroking her cheek.

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