Chapter one: THE SCHOOL PLAY

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I walk down the hallways of Roizewilde high not wanting to be seen by anyone. I had a deep feeling this morning when I woke up that something bad was going to happen today and from past experiences, I know that when I feel it, it always come true.

I walk towards my locker carrying my textbooks in my hands holding them carefully so that they would not fall down. Well my plan was failed when I accidentally bumped into someone causing my books to fall and scatter around.

"Shit" I curse under my breath as I bend down to pick my books hoping the other person would do the same but all I hear is laughter from the other person and before i knew it, the whole hallway was full with laughter.

"Clumsy as always " I hear a familiar voice say. It was Kristina. I slowly raise my head up hoping I heard a voice similar to Kristina's and I would see another face but indeed I was right it was the She devil. Gorgeous as always.

"For God sake, can't I stay a day without seeing your stupid face?" I say in my mind.

"What did you just say?" Kristina asks in anger as my eyes widen realizing that I actually said that out loud. The whole school was laughing at what I said except Kristina and her friends Bailey and Kelly who glared at me in anger and disgust.

"Um...I said.." I begin not knowing what to say. My mouth open but nothing comes out.

"Are you deaf or what? Didn't you hear me? I said what did you just say?" I still remain silent. She sighs with frustration and looks at everyone who were laughing and some just giggling and talking silently. She glares at them and tells them to get lost and in less than one minute the hallway is silent and everyone is back to normal. She then rolls her eyes and look back at me.

"you know the only one who has a stupid face here is you. If u know what's good for you, you should get a make over or just plastic surgery instead." She smiles feeling proud of what she said as the rest of her gang laughs. I didn't care about her insults anymore cause I was used to it. She either insults my face, my hair or my outfit. I won't give her the satisfaction of annoying me.

She moves closer and says,"Next time you are walking, use those ants you call eyes." With that she left with her little witches right behind her. Sometimes i just wonder. Don't they have lives, they follow her about like she's some goddess. I sigh as i bend down to pick my remaining books and head straight to class.


I walk into class looking for Lilly. I spot her sitting with some friends at the back talking as always. I walk over to them and smile sheepishly as i take a seat next to Lilly as usual. I don't bother greeting anyone cause they were all busy with their phones to even notice me. I bring out my books and begin to wait for our Theatre teacher. Mrs Forbes.

"What's wrong?" Lilly asks as i look at her in confusion.

"As in?" I grin

"Why are you looking down?"

"I am?" I ask trying to fake a smile but with the way she looked at me, i knew i didn't convince her with that.

"What's wrong Emmy?"

"It's nothing don't worry." I say facing my books not wanting to look her in the eye. Lilly was my best friend and i know we are always there for each other but i just don't want to bombard her with my problems. She has a life too.

"It was Kristina right?" Lilly says as I remain silent.

"You know what? I'm tired of that bitch harassing my best friend all the time. I am going to give her a piece of my mind." Lilly says as she stands up but I pull her back before she could do anything.

"I said it's nothing just let it go." I didn't want Lilly to get in trouble for my sake. I would do anything for Kristina to be put in her place any day believe me but Lilly could get in serious trouble if she confronted her. Kristina wasn't just popular, she was also very important. Her uncle was the owner of Roizewilde high and she could get anything she wanted. That's why people were always scared of her. If Lilly confronted her she could get serious punishment or even worse get expelled.

"No i won't. Kristina has to stop harassing people and if you are not going to make her stop, I will." Lilly says as she stands up from her sit the second time and this time i couldn't stop her. I prayed silently that she would change her mind or something but she didn't. She kept on walking till she reached Kristina's sit about to talk when Mrs Forbes our theatre teacher came in. I sighed in relief when i saw Lilly turning around annoyed at the bad timing. She slowly seat back on her seat next to me whispering to herself "Tomorrow is another day." I just wish she would forget and don't confront Kristina.

"Good morning class." Mrs Forbes greets settling her books on her table. "As we all know this year's end of the year art show is coming up by the end of this term. Considering you guys will be graduating this year, I've suggested that the school play would be performed by two student's from this class playing the lead role in Romeo and Juliet."

Everyone grumbles at the mention of the school play. No one wanted to be part of it. It was boring and to be honest no one knew how to act.

"You would be paired into two. A boy and a girl and no you aren't allowed to pick you partner i have already done my pairing and i am going to read it out loud." She bends over to her table were all her books were and brought out a sheet of paper.

She begins "Amy and Andre, South and Lila, Vanessa and Drake, Brady and Bree, Emerald and.." I flinch at the sound of my name. I didn't want to take part in it although i could act i didn't want to be paired with anyone.

"Emerald and Aiden" my eyes widen. Did she just say who i thought she did. It can't be. Aiden is the most popular boy in school. He was tall, handsome and had a really nice body. Girls drool over him and need I remind you that he was Kristina's ex boyfriend and i was the reason they broke up.

I look at Mrs Forbes trying to beg her with my eyes but she was too focused on what she was reading to see me. I look at Lilly who was wearing the same expression as me when she got paired with Justin popularly known as the biggest player in Roizewilde high. He winks at her and wiggles his eye brows as she turns and rolls her eyes. Mrs Forbes finished the list and smiled at us before turning back to start her lesson. I look around and find four eyes on me. Two from Kristina who glared at me in disgust and the other two from Aiden who was smirking amused.

"Attention class!" Mrs Forbes orders as everyone stops what they were doing and faces her including Aiden and Kristina. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. This was really happening. I am going to have to talk to who i never thought I would talk to again till i leave Roizewilde high and now Kristina would have a reason to hate me even more. I sigh and start to open my book for Theatre class trying to sink in what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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