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Julia's pov-

I wanted to leave so bad, i just couldn't. It's like i was locked in his grip. But the funny thing is he wasnt holding me at all. I looked around the room not making eye contact at all. Nope, nope, nope. It's not like he said anything either... Making this even worse. Like 10 more times.... I started to walk to the door then he spoke.

"Wait please don't go."

I turned around. "I can't go throught this again, I just can't watch me replay my heartbreak." I Spoke out to him.

"I... I never knew that i hurt you that bad.."

"Yea well you did and i can't just fall back into your arms, your going to have to... to... earn my trust again and thats going to be a job in its self.."

Then i looked down and spoke out before he could.

"I have to go, if you need me you know how to find me."

I walked to the door and it opened. I kept walking.

---------- After school ---------

I enjoyed these days where i can just lay on my bed and relax. I had my headphones in blasting Justin Beibers- Sombody to love. Not that I like Justin I don't but this song was one of my favorite songs when i was little and i just kept that one SINGLE song. And of course i had gone to the library when i got out of school because i could walk to it from my house and hauled a ton of new books to read. Tonight was going to be amazing. I just wish my mom would stop coming in. Like she doesn't get the point that she need to leave me alone for a little bit no shes always talking to me like we are bffs or something.....

"Hey Jui...."


"Julia chill it's just Drew."

My face turned red. "Whoops sorry Drew my mom will not leave me alone tonight, at all!" I sighed.

"Haha, sounds like a normal night for you."

"Well i wasn't expecting you to come over without telling me."

He looked down "Yea, sorry about that i just, whatever."

How Drew answewd things always made me laugh.

"What are you even here for?"

"Is it that bad that I just want to come see you for a change?"

I looked down feeling bad that i snaped at him.

"Sorry, so whats up?"

"HUGE project just got dumped on me today due in three days!"

I laughed "If anyone can get it done then it's you."

"Thanks but thats really not helping."

"Im not giving you the answer key for this..."

"Damn, why not?"

"Drew. No One Is Ever Going To Give You The Answer Key." I said with long paused inbetween each word.

He rolled his eyes. As i tucked my legs in and wrapped my arms around them.

My mother walked in.

"Drew's mother called for him, he didn't tell her he was leaving."

She walked out

"Drew, you didn't tell your fucking mother you were leaving?"

"We don't get along well...."

I rub the top of his head.

"Come on secret keeper lets get you home."

We started to walk outside of my room and down to the door. I shut it behind him and went to bed. I was hoping for a restful night. Without ANY dreams....

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