Unforgettable Night (5)

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-- Jack --

I tackled one of my buddies. Metal music played loudly and we wrestled and sat, staring over the entire population of the warehouse. So many people were packed in here. Dancers had their own space to breakdance. Stoners sat in the corners and smoked weed together. Drunks and mingles sat at the bar. It was where I actually did fit in and it made up for not fitting in at school. At school, I only fit in with one person: Mark.

I decided to check on him, so I stood out and looked. I searched a few groups, not finding him in the crowded warehouse. Finally, I got a quick glimpse of Mark. It seemed that he went for his best - and safest - bet and was walking toward the bar. He seemed to be doing fine so I turned and connected my fist with the side of Jacobs ribcage.

We wrestled for a few more minutes until I heard a shrill scream ring through the warehouse. One that really got my attention.


I panicked, throwing my friend off of me. I ignored the persistent questions - "What's wrong Jack?" - Mark was the only thing on my mind.

"JACK!" Mark called again.

I tried to pinpoint the sound of his voice. I desperately searched, my senses tingling and my hands going numb. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong, and so I stood at the edge of loft and stared out. I searched for Mark and saw him finally. He was cornered by one of the smaller gangs, a shiny object to his throat.

A blade.

I immediately go into panic mode. All I could think was instinct. Instinct of a wild animal, that's all I acted on. I panicked, swore, and raged as I threw my body off of the loft and went sliding down a fireman pole. All I could think was that I had to save Mark. He was all that I saw. The fear that flashed in his eyes and the desperation on his face. I felt the need to protect him. The need to save him. I had the feeling of a protective mother over a wolf cub - a loving yet dangerous feeling. It ran in my veins and everyone around me sensed it. Those in my way quickly moved as I sprinted full speed. And I don't blame them. Mark was cornered with a blade to his throat and no one to help him.

And it did nothing but piss me off.

I growled angrily in the back of my throat and ran as fast as I could. A ton of people were focused on myself and my buddies, who followed right behind me. Every single step closer I got made me more determined to get to Mark. Finally, I shoved a few of the gang members to the floor, making my way to the center of the circle - where Mark was - and right where I needed to be.

"Get yer damn hands off of him!" I yelled, jerking the boy away from Mark by his hair. I kicked him away, stepping in front of Mark and getting into a fighting stance. I pressed my back against his chest in an attempt to block him from any danger that was bound to come his way. If all of these guys were to jump on him at once, he didn't stand a snowflakes chance in hell. With me and my friends, we had more than a chance. Apparently, the gang didn't seem to think so.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The boy asked me. He rubbed at the back of his head where I had grabbed him, angrily spitting in my direction. I didn't even make a hostile move as I stood there. I should have, but that would cause a riot. I have to be cautious. So I spoke.

"Ever heard the name Seán William McLoughlin? That's me." I growled.

The guys seemed unfazed by my name, but I could tell that they knew me. Once again, I was a bit of a legend around this kind of community. Some people respected me and others wouldn't even spit in my direction, so it surprised me that this guy dared to do so.

"Well, what're you doing here?" The boy asked me.

I backed closer to Mark, if that were possible. I could feel his erratic breathing on my neck. I could feel him shrinking into my shadow as I defended him.

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