Ch. 15 (part 1)

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After a solid 30 minutes we take a break. I slide off of his lap and sit next to him. I catch my breath, as does he. "Oh my God your such a great kisser, like damn" Jack says putting his hands in his hair. Wow Jack, thanks I guess?

I want to ask him what we are but I don't want to rush things, I mean last time he said he loved me before he even asked me out so I think we should take a different route this time. Slow and steady. "Yeah, you too" I reply still catching my breath. "Well what do we do now?" I question him. "I don't know" I reply kind of sad, I'm not sure why I am sad but it might just be because of my emotions all over the place. "You okay?" He asks sweetly. "Yeah, I'm fine..".

《The next week》

No one's pov. 

The boys are on their way to shoot a music video for their song "Something Different" with Logan Paul. They're currently in the car with all the boys, Anna, and Julia in Anna's Tesla.

Back to Anna's pov.

Everything is calm and quiet. Until. The bop of its time comes on the radio. Say my name comes on and the whole car goes silent. They know what is boutta happen. Me and Julia give eachother a look of approval while the boys in the back go wide eyed.

"SAY MY NAME SAY MY NAME WHEN NO ONE IS AROUND YOU SAY BABY I LOVE YOU, YOU AIN'T RUNNIN GAME" I sing in a beautiful screechy loud obnoxious voice. "SAY MY NAME SAY MY NAME YOU BEEN ACTIN SHADY AIN'T CALLIN ME BABY, WHY THE SUDDEN CHANGE" Julia sings to me. Why are we like this? We continue the song and all of the boys join in, Jonah is still making heart eyes at Julia and Julia pretends she doesn't see it when she obviously does. It's adorable to be honest, I ship it. But Julia is too busy right now, she is all most done with college and then she needs to focus on getting a job. So a famous boyfriend isn't going to help with that.

They arrive to the filming location and get out of the car. All of the boys run to a tall blonde choch looking man in an awkward black directors hat. Julia and I watch the bromance go down while we both have looks of confusion on our faces. We walk closer and wait until someone introduces us to this new person. As you can probably guess none of them realize that were waiting so we had to do it ourselves.

His name is Logan Paul, he seems familiar for some reason. He has quite the.....personality. I think blonde choch describes him enough though. He is really sweet and funny but, not my type. But I don't think Jack realized that because whenever Logan and I talk he gives him the death stare. I don't know if what I'm doing is coming off as flirty because if I am I truly don't intend to. I don't, and probably won't ever like anyone the way I like Jack.

About an hour passes of people brainstorming ideas for each shot when a huge black limo pulls up and out comes a very professional looking man and a girl. She is clearly rich, as am I but she looks like she hasn't worked a day in her life so I can't really tell what her personality will be. I'm usually not too quick to judge but something is giving me bad vibes. I am generally a nice person and doesn't make assumptions based on what they look like so I will just be as nice as I possibly can.

"Hi Jacky!" She screeches. Ugh what is that supposed to mean. "And the...other ones" she says in disgust. Wow. This whole being nice thing is going to be harder than I thought...

"Hey Aspen! How you been!" Jack says smiling like nothing shady is going on here. I look at the other boys to get some sort of acknowledgement that somethings up. All of them, with the exception of Jonah who is staring at Julia. All of them look irritated, a sort of look that screams "death please take me now" type of irritation on their face. Okay good, so I'm not just being crazy jealous for no reason! Everyone hates her! "So who are they" She says, you guessed it, in disgust. Girl you don't wanna get salty up in here when you have a wild Julia is the room ESPECIALLY when she has a cup of liquid energy in her system. Being any sort of rude around her is like a minefield. No one is safe.

"Hi I'm Anna, and this is Julia we're friends of the boys" I say respectfully with a fake smile. "Um if I remember correctly I didn't ask you" she says bitch-ily that's not a word but now it issss. Julia gives me a look and takes her Starbucks out of her mouth. Oh no. "And if I remember correctly, people aren't supposed to fill in their eyebrows with sharpie. Yet here we are!" Julia says with a smile. All the boys jaws drop, including mine. She goes back to her coffee. "Well at least I can afford to fill them in" she replies. I look at Julia. I look at all the boys. And I start to die of laughter. "Honey, you can't even afford to use a better comeback. That's your daddy's money and you know it" I say to her still laughing. "Well I bet your parents are poor so that's not really an insult" she says and raises her eyebrow. She gives me that look that the cheerleader in all those Instagram memes does. I'm not really down to continue the roast battle that I know I would win. I walk closer to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Aspen. My parents are dead." I say looking down at her. Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth. Yeah. That's what I thought bitch. That's what I thought. I walk back to Julia and do our handshake bc we're goals asf. Jack looks at me in disappointment, while the other boys are silently cheering us on. Well um okay Jack calm down it's not like I hit her. And why does it seem like your defending her wth?! I'm probably just looking too hard at something too small.

About an hour passes and all the boys are doing there thing. Julia and I just listen in to there nonsense. Listen, I'm just a choreographer. I have no clue what goes into the actual production of a music video. And I bet Julia is equally lost, if not more. I mean she's a phycologist what do you expect. If I continue to think about it, I need to talk to Rena about something that could benefit her foster kid program. (Ha ha you'll find out later MissRena078 )

Once there done doing there...well I don't know whatever they're doing we all get in the car "Anna what the hell was that" Jack says sternly. Woah woah woah. Shut the door. Close the window. Hold the phone. What is he talking about. And why does he think he can just talk to me like this. Ummmmmm I don't think sooo. "Would you mind elaborating on what is getting your panties in a twist my good sir" I say smiling. We switched up seating so Julia and Jonah are in the front, me and Corbyn are in the middle, and Zach, Daniel, and Jack are in the back. Corbyn is hiding his smile in his hoodie trying not to laugh. "Really Anna? You know exactly what you did. What did Aspen do to you!" He says angrily. "Anna. You can't win an argument if your irrational and you know that. Deep breaths." Julia says while driving. "Dammit Julia, I don't need your therapy crap. Save it till after I do something I regret. And after the war you just started-" I say pointing at Jack. "It looks like a lot of irrational things will come out of my mouth" everyone in the car is over hiding their smiles and start laughing hysterically. "Anna, trust me I know what I'm doing, I didn't pay my entire life savings on school for nothing. You're going to emotionally flood. And if you do. Let's just say I'm sorry Jack" she laughs. "You're right.." I say.

No pov

Julia leans over to Jonah "the flood gates open in...3...2..."


And let's just say this argument lasted a very, very, long time. Jack saying things that don't make sense whatsoever. Anna, defending her while being a little extra. Jack yelling some more. Anna yelling some more. She says something about how Aspen was more important now. Then after that, Jack even made an effort to stake a claim that apparently Anna was "flirting with Logan the whole time". Then Anna starts to say something when she stops.

"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE" Anna screams at Jack


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