Chapter 1: New Trouble

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A/N: a new problem has awakened.

It had been 3 years since the final battle with kid buu and the last sighting of towa. Where she was now and what she was up to was unknown. Some time after the battle, you and everyone had taken some time to recover from your damages and wounds. Especially Mewtwo, who had been going through his own meditation to prevent any type of control over him. Meanwhile, hercule got credit for beating Majin Buu. Speaking of which...... he was being interviewed by a few media people. Nothing to be surprised about though.

Hercule: Hahahaha!

Majin Buu: What's the deal! Buu hungry!

After the battle with kid buu, vegeta was about to kill the regular when she found out she was spat out as well. But, hercule got in the way and begged her not to do. Suprisingly, she listened. Now Majin Buu had been living with hercule so he could do stuff to keep her calm and from making any trouble.

Interview People: huh?!

Hercule looked behind him and saw buu standing there. She walked up to the room.

Majin Buu: Mr Satan! Buu need food!

Hercule: uh....buu, can't this wait, I'm kinda busy here.

Majin Buu: Hungry Now!

Interviewer 1: she yelled at him? A pretty risky move yelling at our planet's savior.

Photographer 1: maybe she's not afraid of him.

Hercule almost jumped a bit.

Hercule: no, it's not like that! Everyone stay calm! There's no need to be afraid of this girl! She is an alien, but not an invader.

(Technically, she's a type of demon).

Hercule: the truth is, she's galactic warrior who traveled from the farthest reaches of space and begged me to become her sensei. It was rough at first, but now she's my top pupil.

Interviewer 1: yeah, that makes sense.

Photographer 1: yeah, don't know why I didn't guess that? If course aliens would want Mr. Satan to teach them, right?

Hercule then turned back to buu.

Hercule: now get! Go back to your training room! I'll be there soon to instruct you in the art of the dynamite kick!

Majin Buu: buu told you, buu hungry!

Hercule: and your mighty sensei told you to wait in the back!

Buu started to get angry as steam came out of the wholes in her head. She soon growled and walked back to the room.

Interviewer 1: it's amazing! He's not just a valiant protector of earth! He's the Greatest Hero in the Universe!

Hercule: yeah!

Hercule's mind: I think I almost shit myself.

Things might have been calm, but there was soon to be a much bigger problem that you and the others would soon haft to face.


On a unknown planet, which was inhabited by Pig-like aliens, a group of the planet's finest chefs were working on the clock to make their best dishes their planet had to offer. The king of the planet soon rushed into the room.

King: what's taking so long?! Bring it all in, quickly!

They all gasped and brough in in as quickly as possible. They set all their food onto the very long table while the 3 guest were at the very end of it. These guests were Lady Berra, The Goddess of Destruction, Her Angel Attendant, Whis and Her Child, Austine.

King: Lady Berra, please help yourself to this royal feast. Each course has been crafted by our world's finest chefs. And I can assure you that their creations are the very definition of exquisite.

Lady Beera: is that so? Well......we'll see about that.

The female purple cat started to eat some of the food that was placed on the table while the king and chefs kept their worried expressions. She did question some of the food as she poked at some of it.

Whis: please remember your manners, lady Berra.

Lady Beera then tapped a small glass cup with a type of food inside.

Lady Beera: and what's this?

The king looked do the chefs and wanted to know who made it. The first  chef standing in the rows spoke.

Chef 1: it's a top quality, Arapurameiz!

Lady Beera: Arapura.......arapur........are you serious? What an insufferable name.

Austine: even so, let's see how it tastes.

Lady Beera picked up the glass and purred the small food into her mouth and ate.

Lady Beera: hmm......

Austine: how is it, mother?

Lady Beera: tastier than I expected. The use of salt is.....Devine.

King: guh.....thank you, my lord. So you won't.....

Lady Beera: however.

The king was soon in fear again.

Lady Beera: there's a greasey mouth feel for which I can only assume is desert? Tell you what, I'll only take half.

King: half, my lord?

Lady Berra then tapped her finger on the table. And in just seconds, the half of the planet was destroyed. Lady Beera and the other 2 with her were already floating while looking at the half destroyed planet.

Whis: a bit harsh for food you called tasty. Wouldn't you say, my lord?

Lady Beera: all that grease is unhealthy. Makes you sluggish all day. I've done this galaxy a favor.

Austine: on to the next one?

Lady Beera: no, let's head home for now.

The 3 of them left the spot they were in.

(Back on earth).


Mewtwo was broken out of his meditation when he sensed that half a planet was destroyed in seconds.

Mewtwo: what was that power?

A/N: big trouble.

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