Chapter Five

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Summer's POV:

I woke up and rolled over to see an empty spot next to me. I let out sigh of relief, figuring Ryan had already got up to go to work, and picked my phone up hoping to see a text from Gaga. I was not disappointed. I quickly typed out a reply, but before I could press send I heard the floor creak right outside the bedroom, and I quickly locked my phone and set it down. "Jesus you're still not up?" I heard Ryan say, as he walked into the room. "I'm about to be." I replied, emotionless. He let out a small sarcastic laugh, but continued with what he was doing. I gripped my phone tightly, hoping he wouldn't decide to grab it from me and do a random check. My messages with Gaga were still opened right behind my lock screen. I watched him for a minute, somehow feeling most frightened by the silence in the room. "Are you about to leave for work?" I asked, no longer able to handle the quiet. "What the fuck does it look like Summer? What do you think I'm doing right now?" He snapped as he sprayed cologne on his wrist. I sat silently again, back to watching his every move. When he was finished tying his shoes he came over and looked at me, then down at my phone. I felt my heart stop but didn't move a muscle. After a moment he leaned down and kissed my forehead, causing me to involuntarily wince. "See you at dinner." He said, leaving the room. I let out the breath I'd been holding since he walked in the room, and picked my phone back up to finish my message to Gaga. After I hit send I got up and started getting ready, considering I only had an hour until I was supposed to be at her apartment.

As I rounded the corner and got to the door of Gaga's complex I texted her to buzz me up. Moments later I was inside and walking toward the elevator. I entered the elevator and as I did so I remembered that I now had less than a week left until I was going to move in with Gaga, and I let out a small squeal of happiness, earning me an odd look from the lady who was also in the elevator. We got off on the same floor, only furthering the discomfort, but I didn't really care as I was on my way to see the love of my life. I got to her door feeling a wave of true happiness that I hadn't felt in a long time, and knocked on the door. She opened it with a nervous smile, which I chose to ignore, and gave me a gentle kiss. "Hi baby." She said, following me into the living room. The nervous tone in her voice, however, I was not able to ignore, forcing me to snap back to reality. "Is everything okay?" I asked, earning a confused look from her. "You uh... You didn't see the article from last night?" I shook my head with wide eyes, waiting for her to elaborate. She sat next to me and pulled out her phone, looking for the link in her notes. She handed it to me and my heart fell to my stomach. "Oh." The title of the article read "Gaga and New mystery girl." And right below it was an HD picture of the two of us. It had been taken from a distance, but anyone who knew me would probably be able to guess it was me. "You're telling me you hadn't seen that?" She asked, and I shook my head. "No... and surely Ryan hasn't either, there's no way he would've left me alone this morning if he had." I tried to assure myself. She let out a small sigh of relief, and took her phone back. "Maybe it's not that mainstream of an article then. My PR just showed me it this morning, and I saw it'd been posted last night and I panicked." I nodded, still just trying to assure myself that he hadn't seen it. The vibe in the room was off for a while as we both sat there, trying to calm ourselves down. I started to think we were just going to sit there in silence all day until Gaga let out a deep breath and yelled that she wanted cheesecake. I looked at her, startled, but quickly let out a loud laugh. "That was so random." I said, looking at her with nothing but pure love. She shrugged with a smile and pulled her phone back out. "I'm ordering some. You want any?" She asked. I shook my head, "I'm not a huge cheesecake fan." She gave me an astonished and disappointed look, but went back to ordering. When her cheesecake finally arrived I went and grabbed some fruit out of the fridge, and then joined her at the table. Our conversations went back to the normal lighthearted stuff we normally talk about, and I felt the giddiness I'd felt when I first got here set in again. "Less than a week Gaga..." She smiled at me brightly, and the whole vibe in the room got ten times lighter. "I know babe... So close. You're almost mine." Hearing those words come out of her mouth caused my heart to skip several beats, and I couldn't contain my emotions anymore. I let out a few tears, making Gaga's face drop. "Oh no, what's wrong?" She asked, scooting her chair closer to mine. "No, no I'm fine. I just... I'm so happy right now. I don't know how to express it." She smiled warmly, and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I can honestly say I haven't been this happy in so long." Hearing her say that made my heart swoon and I could no longer handle the distance between us. I laid my head on her shoulder, filling in what little space there was between us. "We don't have a ton of time left... what do you want to do?" She asked after a moment. I looked up at her with a smile, and she slowly stood up, taking my hand, and led me back to her bedroom.

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