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March 31, 2024. Today is my birthday and I'm turning 18. I'm so glad it's on a Saturday this year. Something else special is happening today. It's the five month mark of my pregnancy. I'm 20 weeks. 

I wake up somewhat late and take a shower. I feel pretty good this morning, just a little tired. I haven't had morning sickness in a week or two, save for a few times when I ate something my stomach didn't agree with. 

My belly is starting to become way more noticeable. In my Hogwarts robes you can't tell unless you look, but in normal clothes it's clear as day. I have to be careful what I wear around certain people. I think some are starting to suspect, but nobody has said anything.

Today is the day we get to find out the genders of our twins. It's an amazing thing to have a a birthday present. Scorpius and I were supposed to find out the gender a week and a half ago, but the appointment was cancelled. 

"Hey Rose! Happy Birthday!" Celeste says coming into the bathroom while I put up my hair. 

"Hey Celeste. Thanks. I can't believe I'm eighteen. Did you know I was born at 9:54 am. Which is one minute after I woke up. Lucky timing." I reply.

"Yeah okay, well. Don't you have a doctors appointment really soon?"

"Yeah it's at 11:30. I have to find Scorp and we have to leave soon."

"I'm so excited for you. I think it's going to be twin boys. Or a boy and a girl." Celeste grins.

"Yes well I can tell at least one of them is a girl. There is a fifty percent chance or more." 

"Okay, now go! Have fun." Celeste beams at me 

"Yes, because getting my you-know-what checked it is so fun. At least we find out the gender." I say with a bit of sarcasm. Okay, maybe a lot of sarcasm. 

"Okay... anyways go find Scorpius and find out. I want to know!"

"I think you're more excited about this than me... Bye Celeste." I meet Scorp in McGonagall's office after a quick breakfast and we travel to St. Mungo's. 

"I'm starting to get nervous... Is that normal?" I ask him while we wait for the healer to get us. 

"Yes, Rose, because I know all about whether being nervous is normal for these things. I researched all about it for hours." Scorpius tells me.

"Hey, that was mean." I say jokingly, although it kind of was.

"Sorry." He kisses me on the cheek and smiles. 

"Rose Weasley? Healer Diana is ready for you." A receptionist calls.

We follow her through a door where Healer Diana Montgomery meets us. She take us to a room where she can check on how much weight I've gained, and check my measurements. Some healers prefer to be called by their last names, but some choose to be called by their first. 

"Okay. So your weight gain doesn't seem to be extreme. That's really good. Now follow me." Hr. Diana says. We follow her into a room where Scorpius is advised to stay outside. He does.

I have to put on a special robe for this.

They give me a vaginal exam, and it's quite awful. I'm sure I look as uncomfortable as a feel. 

After that's finally over, we go to another room with some equipment in it. I take off the robe and change back into my clothes.

A protective serum in rubbed onto my growing belly to prevent anything harmful from her wand. Hr. Diana moves her wand about over my stomach and the image is on a screen. 

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