A weekend Away

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It's been rough around the home of the avengers. They haven't had to save the world for a little while which is good but makes them stir crazy. Everyone is taking it well except for Clint. Clint is going insane due to a certain young man with a mop of silver hair. He keeps steeling his stuff, annoying him whenever he has the chance, mocking him, and then went as far as in finding all of his nests around HQ.
The damn kid was making him furious. He didn't know whether to deck him in the face or kiss him. Nat made it clear as to which one she'd like to witness.
"I need space from all of this." Clint groans as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"From this or him?" Natasha questions as she hops onto the counter next to him.
"I honestly dont know." he replies quietly.
"Take a weekend off. Go to the farm and relax. Take time to think." Natasha advises.
"Thats the thing I dont want to be anywhere he Isnt. He drives me crazy but theres just something about him." Clint confesses with frustration. 
"Take him with you then." she suggests.
"Whats wrong with him?" A raspy sokovian male voice questions as he patters his way to the coffee machine.
"Nothing a weekend away wont fix." Natasha replies as she marches off.
"You're going away for a weekend?" Pietro asks as he sips on his coffee.
"Yeah I need time away." Clint replies looking up to see a shirtless pietro with bed head causing a small smile to creep its way to his face. A recently awakened pietro was one of Clint's favorite things.
"You seem distracted recently, I think it would be good for you." Pietro smiles as he puts his cup into the sink.
"Would you want to come? I'm not going anywhere special, just the family farm but I'd be happy to have you." Clint confidently asks looking into bright blue eyes.
"Are you asking me on a weekend trip?" the younger male asks with shock written on his face.
"Yes, I am. What do ya say kid?" Clint asks steping closer.
"I'll go but on one condition." he says sternly. "Stop calling me kid and ypu have to let me cook one meal a day." he adds.
"Deal." Clint smiles.

"What do I pack?" Pietro asks as he rummages through his dresser draws.
"Clothes smartass." Wanda snorts.
"Whats the weather supposed to be like?" he questions as he looks over at his sister.
"I dont know. Just take one pair of sweats, jeans,  shorts, sleep pants, a hoodie and t shirts." She answers finally helping.
He wasn't the only one panicing. Clint hasnt gad anyone but Nat to the farm and his nervousness was definitely showing. He kept freaking out about how he still has nightmares.
"What if I wake up screaming again and he freaks out?" Clint asks as he paces back in forth in the training room.
"He won't freak out. Despite what you drilled into your own head he's a very sensible man. He'll understand and try to comfort you." Natasha replies as she keeps her gaze fixed on her panicing friend.
"If you were anyone else I wouldn't believe you." Clint smiles as he zips his duffle bag. He was unofficially ready.
"I love you too. Now go see if your date is ready." Natasha chuckles.
"It's not a date." Clint huffs.
"And here I was hopping it was." Pietro chimes in with a cocky smirk.
"To bad it's just a weekend away with a teammate." Clint replies as he hits the elevator button.
"That hurts old man." pietro exclaims as he jockingly grasps his chest.
"I don't care." Clint lies as he looks over at the handsome silver haired man trying to hid the smile.
They continued their normal banter as they said goodbyes to their otger teammates.
"They're going to kill each other." Tony points out as they head back inside.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Natasha and Wanda say simultaneously.
It's only been ten minutes since they left and Pietro is already driving the older man insane. He cant stop bouncing his leg or tapping his fingers against the dashboard.
"Pietro Maximoff, stop it." Clint demands as he softly places his hand on the constantly moving one.
"Is this your attempt to hold my hand or get me to sit still?" Pietro playfully questions.
"Both." Clint smiles as he intertwines their fingers together. Pietro will never admit that this simple action made him blush or the tornado of butterflies in his stomach. The rest of the car ride was silent other then the quiet sound of the radio playing.
"Whats with the country music birdman?" Pietro questions breaking the silence.
"My truck my music." Clint replues as he pulls onto a long dirt road. "You deal with for five more minutes can't you?"He asks as he rubs circles on the back of pietro's hand with the pad of his thumb.
"Yeah, I can." he quietly replies looking out the window.
"And we're here." Clint announces as he parks the truck.
"So who takes care of tge animals when you aren't here?" Pietro asks as he looks around.
"Luara does. She comes during the day while tge kiddos are at school and cleans and feeds yge stalls and collects the eggs. She's a big help." Clint answers. The mention of his ex wifebring back the memories of how the divorce was put into motion. It was the effect of Pietro's death had on him. He didnt want to do anything, he had nightmares, he was depressed and angry.
"Whats going through that pretty little head of yours?" his thoughts were interuppted by a thick sokovian accent.
"The divorce." He honestly answers and earns a silent nod from the younger man.
"It's a nice place you have here. Its quiet...for the most part." Pietro complements as he takes his shoes off by the door.
"I love it here. Its my favorite place on earth." Clint smiles as he opens up a little. Maybe this weekend wouldnt be so bad after all. They spent the next half hour settling in and unpacking. Pietro's room was down the hall from Clint's in case he needs something during the late hours of the night he wouldn't have to walk too far.
"Hey, I'm going to start cooking dinner so come down stairs whenever you're ready." Clint says as he pops his head into the guest room.
"Will do." he smiles as he continues to unpack his many atricles of clothing. Damn you Wanda.

"Duffle bag, backseat
My dash, your feet
Those other side of the highway headlights making you shine
My hand, your leg
Playlist playing
Even though I haven't made it yet
I'm dragging it, dropping it in my mind." Clint softly sang as he swiftly moves around the kitchen.
"Not too bad." Pietro interrupts as he leans against the door way.
"Uh...thanks." Clint stammers as he turns around.
"Is someone insecire about their voice?" Pietro asks as ge walks closer.
"Honestly, yes I am." Clint answers as he rubs the back of his neck avoiding eye contact.
"I apologize then, but You have a really nice singing voice." Pietro smiles. "So what cha making?" he questions as he sits on the counter next to where Clint was previously working.
"Lasanga." Clint answers.
"It smelsl amazing." he replies as he breathes in the wonderdul aroma.
"Would you Like to set the table?" Clints questions.
"Sure." Pietro answers as he takes the dishes from clint. He couldn't help the smile that was plastered on his face while he set the table. He was slowly starting to feel like he belonged somewhere. They spent dinner in silence other then Pietro telling Clint he is and amzing chef and that he should cook more at HQ.
"Here, let me get those." Pietro says as he attempts to take the dirty dishes out of the archers hand.
"Pietro, you're a guest." Clint refuses.
"Let me get them." He pleads.
"Fine." Clint groans as he hands them to him. All he could see was the blue and silver blur of Pietro moving.
"There I'm finished." he chuckles as he hangs the towel up.
"Thank you." Clint responds with a smile. "What would you like yo do?" he adds.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Pietro asks hopefully.
"Sure." Clint smiles. After what seems of hours of arguing they finally settled on Nightmare on elm.
"I'm warning you that I don't like scary movies." Pietro groans as be curls into the corner of the couch.
"It's okay, I'll portect you." Clint chuckles as he pushes play. With in the first half hour Pietro was practically in the other mans lap hiding his face in his neck.
"It's just a movie." Clint whispers as he rubs his muscular back.
"I dont care." Pietro mumbles as he nuzzles his face against the other mans neck causing him to chuckle.
"It's not funny." he groans as he sits up.
"You're right its not but your stubble tickles." he chuckles as he gurns the t.v. off. Trying to finish the movie was hopeless.
"Does it?" Pietro asks with a playful smile ambefors he goes back to rubbing his chin against the warm skin of Clint's neck causing him to chuckle.
"I'm warning you." Clint chuckles.
"What are you going to do?" Pietro questions as he looks up.
Clint simply responds as he tickles the other mans sides causing him to squirm.
"Clint stop it." Pietro laughs as he attempts to get put of Clint's hold causing them to fall to the floor. 
"Sorry.." Clint whispersas he looks down at the man he landed on top of.
"It's okay." pietro answers as he slowly leans forward. Clint silently nods as he closes the rest of the space between them and warm soft lips meet his.

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