Jinkook - Sorry - Pt. 1

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A/n - before we start I just want to put context with the picture above. I was on my way home and all of a sudden this meme popped into my head and suddenly found myself writing a prompt for this oneshot. So, hope you enjoy!

Genre - Angst to Smut
(Implied Jin-centric, also Jungkook has a daddy kink ;))

Jungkook pov.

Today is Saturday. Seems normal, right? Wrong. We were on break for a week. BangPd-nim saw how hard we were working for the new album and decided to give the group a week off. Jin-hyung was working especially hard since he has more lines than usual.

Speaking of Jin-hyung, he was in the kitchen making us supper as he wanted all of us sit down and talk like we used too.

Everyone was quietly talking to each other, except for Yoongi-hyung, who was complaining rather loudly about how he would rather be asleep peacefully than sit at this table with the rest of us.

Jin-hyung came back out with the food and everyone went completely silent, even Yoongi-hyung who was complaining loudly a few seconds ago, they just stared at Jin smiling widely while holding the food.

If you didn't know, everyone had the hots for the oldest, and he knew too because he told us that he felt the same. So he was the one who decided that everyone would share him.

Since we were all busy staring at him, we didn't realize that we were being quiet. And Jin-hyung, being his worrisome self, while pouting said "Why is everyone so quiet? I thought this was supposed to be family bonding time?"

Since me, being the asshole maknae that I am, I couldn't help myself from blurting out "Sorry. We're just reenacting your lines from Not Today."

The moment it came out of my mouth, I regretted it immediately.

Everyone, except for Jin-hyung, turned to glare at me the moment that came out of my mouth.

Everyone at this table knew how much the oldest hyung was insecure and sensitive about his line distribution, but he tried not to make us worry by telling us it was okay. (That's one of the reasons why we love him so much, because he puts others first instead of himself.) But we knew better than that, we knew he was hurting inside and sometimes would cry himself to sleep because of it, but still, he worked his ass off for those few lines to prove that he is a good singer(which is true btw). We tried to talk BangPd-nim into giving him more lines but he refused, saying that his voice wasn't nearly as good enough to have a part that is as long as mine or Jimin-hyung's. I mean c'mon, have you heard his angelic voice? Especially in bed ;).

Meeting Jin-hyung's eyes was the second worst thing I've done so far. His warm chocolate doe eyes, that were usually filled with carefree happiness and worry, were now filled with insecurity and tears that were on the edge of spilling.

Jin carefully placed down the food he made onto the table, before slowly backing away and running away to hide his tears from the others.

My face paled as I heard the door to Jin-hyung's and Yoongi-hyung's shared room slam shut.

The moment the door slammed shut, Yoongi-hyung didn't hesitate in springing up from his seat, stomping over to me and grab me by the collar of my shirt.

"Why the fuck would you say that for?! You know how much Jin-hyung is fucking sensitive about that!" He snarled in my face.

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